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There are 17 words containing NTAGI

ADVANTAGINGadvantaging v. Present participle of advantage.
ADVANTAGE v. to confer an advantage, a favourable condition, upon.
CONTAGIAcontagia n. Plural of contagium.
CONTAGIUM n. (Latin) a causative agent of infectious diseases.
CONTAGIONcontagion n. A disease spread by contact.
contagion n. The spread or transmission of such a disease.
contagion n. (Figuratively, by extension) The spread of anything likened to a contagious disease.
CONTAGIONISTcontagionist n. One who believes in the contagious character of certain diseases, such as yellow fever.
CONTAGIONIST n. (obsolete) a person who believes in the contagiousness of diseases.
CONTAGIONISTScontagionists n. Plural of contagionist.
CONTAGIONIST n. (obsolete) a person who believes in the contagiousness of diseases.
CONTAGIONScontagions n. Plural of contagion.
CONTAGION n. transmission of a disease by direct contact with an infected person or object.
CONTAGIOUScontagious adj. (Of a disease) Easily transmitted to others.
contagious adj. (Figurative) Easily passed on to others.
contagious adj. (Of a person) Having a disease that can be transmitted to another person.
CONTAGIOUSLYcontagiously adv. In a contagious manner.
CONTAGIOUS adv. communicable by contact.
CONTAGIOUSNESScontagiousness n. The state or condition of being contagious.
CONTAGIOUSNESS n. the state of being contagious.
CONTAGIUMcontagium n. (Archaic) contagion; contagious matter.
CONTAGIUM n. (Latin) a causative agent of infectious diseases.
DISADVANTAGINGdisadvantaging v. Present participle of disadvantage.
DISADVANTAGE v. to place at a disadvantage.
MONTAGINGmontaging v. Present participle of montage.
MONTAGE v. (French) to combine into a composite picture.
NONCONTAGIOUSnoncontagious adj. Not contagious.
non-contagious adj. Alternative spelling of noncontagious.
NONCONTAGIOUS adj. not contagious.
PLANTAGINACEOUSplantaginaceous adj. (Botany) Of or relating to the family Plantaginaceae of plantains and close relatives.
PLANTAGINACEOUS adj. belonging to the plantain family.
VANTAGINGvantaging v. Present participle of vantage.
VANTAGE v. (Spenser) to benefit.
VINTAGINGvintaging v. Present participle of vintage.
vintaging n. The act of vintaging.
VINTAGING n. gathering grapes.
VINTAGINGSvintagings n. Plural of vintaging.
VINTAGING n. gathering grapes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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