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There are 20 words containing NSTAR

INSTARinstar n. Any one of the several stages of postembryonic development which an arthropod undergoes, between molts…
instar n. An arthropod at a specified one of these stages of development.
instar n. (By extension) A stage in development.
INSTARSinstars n. Plural of instar.
INSTAR v. to adorn with stars.
SUNSTARsun␣star n. Any of various starfishes belonging to Solaster, Crossaster, and allied genera, having numerous rays.
SUNSTAR n. a kind of starfish.
SUNSTARSsun␣stars n. Plural of sun star.
SUNSTAR n. a kind of starfish.
UNSTARCHunstarch v. (Transitive) To free from starch; to make limp or pliable.
UNSTARCH v. to free from starch.
UNSTARRYUNSTARRY adj. not starry.
INSTARREDinstarred v. Simple past tense and past participle of instar.
INSTAR v. to adorn with stars.
UNSTARREDunstarred v. Simple past tense and past participle of unstar.
unstarred adj. Not marked with a star.
UNSTARRED adj. not starred.
CORNSTARCHcornstarch n. A very fine starch powder derived from corn (maize) used in cooking as a thickener, to keep things from…
corn␣starch n. Alternative form of cornstarch.
CORNSTARCH n. starch made from Indian corn, esp. a fine white flour used for puddings, etc.
INSTARRINGinstarring v. Present participle of instar.
INSTAR v. to adorn with stars.
NONSTARTERnonstarter n. A project that has no chance of success.
nonstarter n. A horse that does not run in a race for which it has been entered.
nonstarter n. A loser; a person who is bound to fail.
UNSTARCHEDunstarched adj. Not starched.
UNSTARCH v. to free from starch.
UNSTARCHESunstarches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unstarch.
UNSTARCH v. to free from starch.
NONSTARTERSnonstarters n. Plural of nonstarter.
non-starters n. Plural of non-starter.
NONSTARTER n. a competitor in a sporting event who does not start; something or someone who has no chance.
UNSTARCHINGunstarching v. Present participle of unstarch.
UNSTARCH v. to free from starch.
UNSTARTLINGunstartling adj. Not startling.
UNSTARTLING adj. not startling.
CORNSTARCHEScornstarches n. Plural of cornstarch.
corn␣starches n. Plural of corn starch.
CORNSTARCH n. starch made from Indian corn, esp. a fine white flour used for puddings, etc.
UNSTARTLINGLYunstartlingly adv. So as not to startle; unsurprisingly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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