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There are 14 words containing NSORT

CONSORTconsort n. The spouse of a monarch.
consort n. A husband, wife, companion or partner.
consort n. (Euphemistic, sometimes humorous) An informal, usually well-publicized sexual companion of a monarch…
CONSORTABLEconsortable adj. (Obsolete) Suitable for association or companionship.
CONSORTABLE adj. able to be consorted with.
CONSORTEDconsorted v. Simple past tense and past participle of consort.
CONSORT v. to keep company.
CONSORTERconsorter n. One who consorts or associates.
CONSORTER n. one who consorts.
CONSORTERSconsorters n. Plural of consorter.
CONSORTER n. one who consorts.
CONSORTIAconsortia n. Plural of consortium.
CONSORTIUM n. (Latin) an association of organizations or States formed for commercial or financial purposes.
CONSORTIALconsortial adj. Of, pertaining to, or resulting from a consortium.
CONSORTIAL adj. relating to a consortium.
CONSORTINGconsorting v. Present participle of consort.
CONSORT v. to keep company.
CONSORTISMconsortism n. (Biology) A close, prolonged association between two or more organisms of different species.
consortism n. (India) The relationship between consorts.
CONSORTISM n. symbiosis.
CONSORTIUMconsortium n. An association or combination of businesses, financial institutions, or investors, for the purpose of…
consortium n. A similar arrangement among non-commercial institutions or organizations.
consortium n. An association or society.
CONSORTIUMSconsortiums n. Plural of consortium.
CONSORTIUM n. (Latin) an association of organizations or States formed for commercial or financial purposes.
CONSORTSconsorts n. Plural of consort.
consorts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of consort.
CONSORT v. to keep company.
UNSORTEDunsorted adj. Not in any particular order or sequence.
unsorted adj. Mixed, jumbled, not separated by property into categories.
unsorted adj. (Obsolete) Ill-chosen, inconvenient, unsuitable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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