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There are 15 words containing NORIT

MINORITAIREMINORITAIRE n. (French) a member of a minority section of a political party, esp. a socialist one.
MINORITAIRESMINORITAIRE n. (French) a member of a minority section of a political party, esp. a socialist one.
MINORITIESminorities n. Plural of minority.
MINORITY n. the fact of being little or less.
MINORITYminority n. The state of being a minor; youth, the period of a person’s life prior to reaching adulthood.
minority n. Any subgroup that does not form a numerical majority.
minority n. (US) A member of an ethnic minority.
NONMINORITIESnonminorities n. Plural of nonminority.
NONMINORITY n. something that is not a minority.
NONMINORITYnonminority n. One who is not part of a (sociopolitical) minority.
NONMINORITY n. something that is not a minority.
NORITEnorite n. A granular crystalline rock consisting essentially of a triclinic feldspar (such as labradorite) and hypersthene.
NORITE n. a type of rock, a gabbro with rhombic pyroxene.
NORITESnorites n. Plural of norite.
NORITE n. a type of rock, a gabbro with rhombic pyroxene.
NORITICnoritic adj. (Geology) Relating to, or composed of norite.
NORITIC adj. of or like norite, a gabbro with rhombic pyroxine.
SENORITAsenorita n. Alternative form of señorita, the character ñ being very rarely used in English.
señorita n. A young, unmarried woman in or from a Hispanophone community.
señorita n. A small species of wrasse, Oxyjulis californica.
SENORITASsenoritas n. Plural of senorita.
señoritas n. Plural of señorita.
SENORITA n. (Spanish) a mode of address for an unmarried woman, also SENHORITA.
SONORITIESsonorities n. Plural of sonority.
SONORITY n. the quality of being sonorous.
SONORITYsonority n. The property of being sonorous.
sonority n. (Linguistics, phonetics) Relative loudness (of a speech sound); degree of being sonorous.
SONORITY n. the quality of being sonorous.
TENORITEtenorite n. (Mineralogy) A mineral form of cupric oxide.
TENORITE n. a triclinic oxide of copper occurring in minute iron-grey scales or black masses.
TENORITEStenorites n. Plural of tenorite.
TENORITE n. a triclinic oxide of copper occurring in minute iron-grey scales or black masses.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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