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There are 11 words containing NORAN

HONORANDhonorand n. One who receives an honor.
HONORAND n. a person receiving an honour, esp. an honorary degree, also HONOREE, HONOUREE.
IGNORANTignorant adj. Unknowledgeable or uneducated; characterized by ignorance.
ignorant adj. Not knowing (a fact or facts), unaware (of something).
ignorant adj. (Slang) Ill-mannered, crude.
SONORANTsonorant n. (Phonetics) A speech sound that is produced without turbulent airflow in the vocal tract; the generic…
SONORANT n. a voiced consonant regarded as a syllabic sound, e.g. the n in sudden.
HONORANDShonorands n. Plural of honorand.
HONORAND n. a person receiving an honour, esp. an honorary degree, also HONOREE, HONOUREE.
IGNORANCEignorance n. The condition of being uninformed or uneducated; lack of knowledge or information.
ignorance n. (Religion, in the plural) Sins committed through ignorance.
Ignorance prop.n. A personification of ignorance. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
IGNORANTSignorants n. Plural of ignorant.
IGNORANT n. an ignorant person.
SONORANTSsonorants n. Plural of sonorant.
SONORANT n. a voiced consonant regarded as a syllabic sound, e.g. the n in sudden.
IGNORANCESignorances n. Plural of ignorance.
IGNORANCE n. lack of knowledge.
IGNORANTLYignorantly adv. In an ignorant manner.
ignorantly adv. Accidentally.
IGNORANT adv. not knowing things.
IGNORANTNESSignorantness n. The state or quality of being ignorant; ignorance.
IGNORANTNESS n. the state of being ignorant.
IGNORANTNESSESIGNORANTNESS n. the state of being ignorant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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