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There are 11 words containing NOLES

NOLESnoles n. Plural of nole.
Noles prop.n. Plural of Nole.
NOLE n. (Shakespeare) the top of the head, also NOLL, NOUL, NOULE, NOWL.
ANOLESanoles n. Plural of anole.
ANOLE n. (Caribbean) a tropical lizard of the Americas.
PINOLESpinoles n. Plural of pinole.
PINOLE n. (Spanish) an American Indian food consisting of parched ground cereal grains.
ESPANOLESESPANOL n. (Spanish) a native of Spain.
PIANOLESSpianoless adj. (Music) Without (the use of) a piano.
PIANOLESS adj. lacking a piano.
CROKINOLESCROKINOLE n. (Canadian) a board game popular in Canada in which players flick wooden discs.
ESPAGNOLESespagnoles n. Plural of espagnole.
ESPAGNOLE n. (French) a brown sauce flavoured with tomatoes and sherry.
CARMAGNOLEScarmagnoles n. Plural of carmagnole.
CARMAGNOLE n. (French) a popular song and round dance of the French Revolutionary period.
CROQUIGNOLESCROQUIGNOLE n. a method used in waving the hair by winding it on curlers from the ends of the hair toward the scalp.
NEUTRINOLESSneutrinoless adj. (Physics) Not containing or involving neutrinos.
NEUTRINOLESS adj. without neutrinos.
SOMNOLESCENTsomnolescent adj. Drowsy, tending to sleep.
SOMNOLESCENT adj. becoming sleepy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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