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There are 19 words containing NOCRA

MONOCRATmonocrat n. An autocrat.
MONOCRAT n. one who governs alone.
GYNOCRACYgynocracy n. (Government, sociology) Synonym of gynecocracy.
GYNOCRACY n. government by women.
MONOCRACYmonocracy n. (Rare) Synonym of autocracy.
MONOCRACY n. rulership by one individual.
MONOCRATSmonocrats n. Plural of monocrat.
MONOCRAT n. one who governs alone.
GYNOCRATICgynocratic adj. Pertaining to government by women.
GYNOCRATIC adj. relating to gynocracy, female rule.
MONOCRATICmonocratic adj. Synonym of autocratic.
MONOCRATIC adj. autocratic.
PORNOCRACYpornocracy prop.n. (Roman Catholicism, historical, sometimes capitalized) The period of the papacy known as the saeculum…
pornocracy n. (Derogatory, often figuratively) A government by, or dominated by, prostitutes or corrupt persons.
pornocracy n. (Derogatory) A societal culture dominated by pornography.
TECHNOCRATtechnocrat n. An advocate of technocracy.
technocrat n. An expert in some technology, especially one in a managerial or administrative role.
technocrat n. An individual who makes decisions based solely on technical information and not personal or public opinion.
DEMONOCRACYdemonocracy n. A government by or of (supernatural) demons, such as the government which in some mythologies exists in Hell.
demonocracy n. Democracy (when regarded as resulting in, or being no better than, government by figurative demons (i…
DEMONOCRACY n. government by demons or evil forces.
GYNOCRACIESgynocracies n. Plural of gynocracy.
GYNOCRACY n. government by women.
MONOCRACIESmonocracies n. Plural of monocracy.
MONOCRACY n. rulership by one individual.
TECHNOCRACYtechnocracy n. A system of governance where people who are skilled or proficient govern in their respective areas of expertise.
TECHNOCRACY n. government by technical experts.
TECHNOCRATStechnocrats n. Plural of technocrat.
TECHNOCRAT n. an adherent of technocracy.
COTTONOCRACYcottonocracy n. (US, historical) A government dominated by the cotton industry, as in the United States prior to the Civil War.
COTTONOCRACY n. rule by cotton producers.
PORNOCRACIESpornocracies n. Plural of pornocracy.
PORNOCRACY n. government by harlots.
TECHNOCRATICtechnocratic adj. Of, or relating to a technocrat or technocracy.
TECHNOCRATIC adj. of, relating to, or suggestive of a technocrat or a technocracy.
DEMONOCRACIESdemonocracies n. Plural of demonocracy.
DEMONOCRACY n. government by demons or evil forces.
TECHNOCRACIEStechnocracies n. Plural of technocracy.
TECHNOCRACY n. government by technical experts.
COTTONOCRACIESCOTTONOCRACY n. rule by cotton producers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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