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There are 10 words containing NOCID

GENOCIDEgenocide n. The systematic and deliberate destruction of a group of people, typically by killing substantial numbers…
genocide n. (By extension) The systematic killing of substantial numbers of people on other grounds.
genocide n. (By extension) The systematic suppression of ideas or practices on the basis of cultural or ethnic origin;…
ETHNOCIDEethnocide n. The deliberate and systematic destruction of an ethnic group, accomplished either by destroying the…
ETHNOCIDE n. the extermination of a racial or cultural group.
GENOCIDALgenocidal adj. Causative of or relating to an act or policy of genocide.
GENOCIDAL adj. relating to genocide.
GENOCIDESgenocides n. Plural of genocide.
GENOCIDE n. the deliberate extermination of a nation or race.
ETHNOCIDESethnocides n. Plural of ethnocide.
ETHNOCIDE n. the extermination of a racial or cultural group.
GENOCIDAIREgenocidaire n. A person involved in perpetrating a genocide, especially the 1994 Rwandan genocide.
génocidaire n. Alternative form of genocidaire.
GENOCIDAIRE n. a person who is guilty of genocide.
TRYPANOCIDEtrypanocide n. (Medicine) Any drug used to control or kill trypanosomes.
TRYPANOCIDE n. a drug that kills trypanosomes.
GENOCIDAIRESgenocidaires n. Plural of genocidaire.
génocidaires n. Plural of génocidaire.
GENOCIDAIRE n. a person who is guilty of genocide.
TRYPANOCIDALtrypanocidal adj. That is destructive to trypanosomes.
TRYPANOCIDAL adj. relating to a trypanocide, a drug that kills trypanosomes.
TRYPANOCIDEStrypanocides n. Plural of trypanocide.
TRYPANOCIDE n. a drug that kills trypanosomes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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