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There are 20 words containing NOCEN

NOCENTnocent adj. (Rare) Causing injury; harmful.
nocent adj. (Obsolete) guilty; not innocent.
nocent n. (Obsolete) Guilty person.
NOCENTSnocents n. Plural of nocent.
NOCENT n. a person who is guilty.
INNOCENTinnocent adj. Free from guilt, sin, or immorality.
innocent adj. Bearing no legal responsibility for a wrongful act.
innocent adj. Without wrongful intent; accidental or in good faith.
NOCENTLYnocently adv. In a nocent manner; guiltily.
NOCENTLY adv. hurtfully.
INNOCENCEinnocence n. Absence of responsibility for a crime, tort, etc.
innocence n. Lack of understanding about sensitive subjects such as sexuality and crime.
innocence n. Lack of ability or intention to harm or damage.
INNOCENCYinnocency n. (Uncountable, archaic) Innocence; the state of being free from guilt or moral wrong.
innocency n. (Uncountable, archaic) Innocence, simplicity, lack of deceit or guile.
innocency n. (Uncountable, archaic) Innocence, harmlessness.
INNOCENTSinnocents n. Plural of innocent.
Innocents prop.n. Plural of Innocent.
INNOCENT n. a person who is guileless.
INNOCENCESinnocences n. Plural of innocence.
INNOCENCE n. the quality of being innocent, also INNOCENCY.
INNOCENTERinnocenter adj. (Nonstandard) comparative form of innocent: more innocent.
INNOCENT adj. free from moral wrong.
INNOCENTLYinnocently adv. In an innocent manner.
INNOCENT adv. free from moral wrong.
ONOCENTAURonocentaur n. A centaur with the body of an ass, instead of a prototypical horse.
ONOCENTAUR n. a kind of centaur, half-man and half-ass.
GYNOCENTRICgynocentric adj. Of, pertaining to, or exhibiting gynocentrism; focused on females.
INNOCENCIESinnocencies n. Plural of innocency.
INNOCENCY n. (archaic) innocence, also INNOCENCE.
INNOCENTESTinnocentest adj. Superlative form of innocent: most innocent.
INNOCENT adj. free from moral wrong.
ONOCENTAURSonocentaurs n. Plural of onocentaur.
ONOCENTAUR n. a kind of centaur, half-man and half-ass.
ETHNOCENTRICethnocentric adj. Of or pertaining to ethnocentrism.
ETHNOCENTRIC adj. characterized by or based on the attitude that one's own group is superior.
ETHNOCENTRISMethnocentrism n. The tendency to look at the world primarily from the perspective of one’s own traditional, deferred…
ETHNOCENTRISM n. the state of being ethnocentric, also ETHNOCENTRICITY.
SELENOCENTRICselenocentric adj. (Astronomy) Having the moon at the center.
SELENOCENTRIC adj. pertaining to moon's centre; having moon as centre.
ETHNOCENTRISMSethnocentrisms n. Plural of ethnocentrism.
ETHNOCENTRISM n. the state of being ethnocentric, also ETHNOCENTRICITY.
ETHNOCENTRICITYethnocentricity n. The quality of being ethnocentric.
ETHNOCENTRICITY n. the state of being ethnocentric, also ETHNOCENTRISM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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