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There are 15 words containing NNIVE

CONNIVEconnive v. (Intransitive) To secretly cooperate with other people in order to commit a crime or other wrongdoing;…
connive v. (Intransitive, botany, rare) Of parts of a plant: to be converging or in close contact; to be connivent.
connive v. (Intransitive, obsolete) Often followed by at: to pretend to be ignorant of something in order to escape…
CONNIVEDconnived v. Simple past tense and past participle of connive.
CONNIVE v. to plot or conspire.
CONNIVERconniver n. A person who connives.
CONNIVER n. one who connives.
CONNIVESconnives v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of connive.
CONNIVE v. to plot or conspire.
CONNIVENTconnivent adj. Forbearing to see; intentionally inattentive.
connivent adj. (Biology) Arched inward so that the points meet; brought close together or in close contact; converging.
CONNIVENT adj. of insect or plant parts, converging and touching, but not united or fused.
CONNIVERSconnivers n. Plural of conniver.
CONNIVER n. one who connives.
CONNIVERYconnivery n. Collusion.
connivery n. Plotting, scheming.
CONNIVERY n. an act of conniving.
CONNIVENCEconnivence n. (Obsolete) connivance.
CONNIVENCE n. the state of being connivent, also CONNIVENCY.
CONNIVENCYconnivency n. (Obsolete) connivance.
CONNIVENCY n. the state of being connivent, also CONNIVENCE.
ANNIVERSARYanniversary n. A day that is an exact number of years (to the day) since a given significant event occurred. Often…
anniversary n. (Loosely) A day subsequent in time to a given event by some significant period other than a year (especially…
ANNIVERSARY n. the annual recurrence of a date marking a notable event.
CONNIVENCESCONNIVENCE n. the state of being connivent, also CONNIVENCY.
CONNIVENTLYCONNIVENT adv. of insect or plant parts, converging and touching, but not united or fused.
CONNIVERIESconniveries n. Plural of connivery.
CONNIVERY n. an act of conniving.
CONNIVENCIESconnivencies n. Plural of connivency.
CONNIVENCY n. the state of being connivent, also CONNIVENCE.
ANNIVERSARIESanniversaries n. Plural of anniversary.
ANNIVERSARY n. the annual recurrence of a date marking a notable event.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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