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There are 14 words containing NNABI

CANNABICcannabic adj. Pertaining to hemp or cannabis.
CANNABIC adj. of or like cannabis.
CANNABIDIOLcannabidiol n. (Organic chemistry, pharmacology) A nonintoxicating cannabinoid found in the hemp plant Cannabis sativa.
CANNABIDIOLScannabidiols n. Plural of cannabidiol.
CANNABINcannabin n. (Organic chemistry) The resin extracted from hemp (Cannabis sativa, variety Indica), responsible for…
CANNABIN n. a resin extracted from cannabis.
CANNABINOIDcannabinoid n. (Organic chemistry) Substance that is structurally related to tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a psychoactive…
cannabinoid adj. (Organic chemistry) Structurally related to tetrahydrocannabinol.
CANNABINOID n. any of various chemical constituents of cannabis or marijuana.
CANNABINOIDScannabinoids n. Plural of cannabinoid.
CANNABINOID n. any of various chemical constituents of cannabis or marijuana.
CANNABINOLcannabinol n. (Organic chemistry, pharmacology) A psychoactive cannabinoid found in the hemp plant Cannabis sativa;…
CANNABINOL n. a crystalline phenol obtained from cannabin.
CANNABINOLScannabinols n. Plural of cannabinol.
CANNABINOL n. a crystalline phenol obtained from cannabin.
CANNABINSCANNABIN n. a resin extracted from cannabis.
CANNABIScannabis n. A tall annual dioecious plant (Cannabis, especially Cannabis sativa), native to central Asia and having…
cannabis n. A mildly euphoriant or sedating, intoxicating hallucinogenic drug prepared from various parts of this plant.
cannabis n. The purified and decarboxylated resin of the cannabis plant used for medicinal purposes rather than…
CANNABISEScannabises n. Plural of cannabis.
CANNABIS n. hemp; a narcotic drug obtained from hemp.
ENDOCANNABINOIDendocannabinoid n. An endogenous cannabinoid, i.e. one produced by the body.
WINNABILITIESWINNABILITY n. the quality of being winnable.
WINNABILITYwinnability n. The quality of being winnable; the possibility that one can win at all.
winnability n. The likelihood of winning (something).
winnability n. The chance that (a political candidate) can win; electability.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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