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There are 8 words containing NISTA

FASHIONISTAfashionista n. A person who creates or promotes high fashion, i.e. a fashion designer or fashion editor.
fashionista n. A person who dresses according to the trends of fashion, or one who closely follows those trends.
FASHIONISTA n. a follower or setter of fashion, also FASHIONIST.
FASHIONISTASfashionistas n. Plural of fashionista.
FASHIONISTA n. a follower or setter of fashion, also FASHIONIST.
GENISTAgenista n. (Botany) Any member of the flowering plant genus Genista.
Genista prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Fabaceae – broom.
GENISTA n. (Latin) a genus of plants including the common broom of Western Europe.
GENISTASgenistas n. Plural of genista.
GENISTA n. (Latin) a genus of plants including the common broom of Western Europe.
MINISTATEministate n. A very small country or self-governing region, especially one that lacks international recognition.
MINISTATE n. a small state.
MINISTATESministates n. Plural of ministate.
MINISTATE n. a small state.
RECESSIONISTArecessionista n. (Informal) Someone who can dress stylishly on a tight budget.
RECESSIONISTA n. a person whose clothes, whether cheap, secondhand, or suitably subdued, are considered appropriate to an economic downturn.
RECESSIONISTASrecessionistas n. Plural of recessionista.
RECESSIONISTA n. a person whose clothes, whether cheap, secondhand, or suitably subdued, are considered appropriate to an economic downturn.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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