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There are 14 words containing NISON

BENISONbenison n. (Chiefly literary) A blessing; benediction.
BENISON n. a blessing, a benediction.
BENISONSbenisons n. Plural of benison.
BENISON n. a blessing, a benediction.
PREDNISONEprednisone n. (Pharmacology) A glucocorticoid C21H26O5 that is a dehydrogenated analog of cortisone, used to relieve…
PREDNISONE n. a drug similar to cortisone, used as an anti-inflammatory, also PREDNISOLONE.
PREDNISONESprednisones n. Plural of prednisone.
PREDNISONE n. a drug similar to cortisone, used as an anti-inflammatory, also PREDNISOLONE.
UNISONunison n. (Music, acoustics) Identical pitch between two notes or sounds; the simultaneous playing of notes of…
unison n. (Music, acoustics) A sound or note having the same pitch as another, especially when used as the base…
unison n. The state of being in harmony or agreement; harmonious agreement or togetherness, synchronisation.
UNISONALunisonal adj. (Music) being in unison.
UNISONAL adj. being in unison, also UNISONANT, UNISONOUS.
UNISONALLYunisonally adv. (Music) In unison.
UNISONAL adv. being in unison, also UNISONANT, UNISONOUS.
UNISONANCEunisonance n. Accordance of sounds; unison.
UNISONANCE n. accordance of sounds.
UNISONANCESUNISONANCE n. accordance of sounds.
UNISONANTunisonant adj. Of a single sound; producing the same sound.
UNISONANT adj. being in unison, also UNISONAL, UNISONOUS.
UNISONOUSunisonous adj. Being in unison; unisonant.
UNISONOUS adj. being in unison, also UNISONAL, UNISONANT.
UNISONSunisons n. Plural of unison.
UNISON n. complete agreement.
VENISONvenison n. The meat of a deer.
venison n. (South Africa) The meat of an antelope.
venison n. (Obsolete) The meat of any wild animal that has been hunted rather than raised domestically.
VENISONSvenisons n. Plural of venison.
VENISON n. the edible flesh of a deer.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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