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There are 17 words containing NESSI

INESSIVEinessive adj. (Grammar) Of or relating to the grammatical case that in some languages indicates the state of being…
inessive n. (Grammar) The inessive case, or a word in that case.
INESSIVE n. a case in Finnish nouns indicating location within.
VANESSIDvanessid n. Any butterfly of the genus Vanessa.
VANESSID n. a butterfly of the red admiral genus Vanessa, also VANESSA.
FINESSINGfinessing v. Present participle of finesse.
finessing n. The act of handling something with care or skill.
FINESSING n. the act of making a finesse.
INESSIVESinessives n. Plural of inessive.
INESSIVE n. a case in Finnish nouns indicating location within.
VANESSIDSvanessids n. Plural of vanessid.
VANESSID n. a butterfly of the red admiral genus Vanessa, also VANESSA.
FINESSINGSfinessings n. Plural of finessing.
FINESSING n. the act of making a finesse.
HARNESSINGharnessing v. Present participle of harness.
harnessing n. The materials used to harness an animal.
HARNESS v. to equip with gear.
TENNESSINEtennessine n. The chemical element (halogen) with atomic number 117.
TENNESSINE n. a highly radioactive element, of which only a few atoms have ever been produced.
WITNESSINGwitnessing v. Present participle of witness.
witnessing n. The act of bearing witness.
WITNESS v. to have direct knowledge of.
BUSINESSIERBUSINESSY adj. relating to business.
TENNESSINESTENNESSINE n. a highly radioactive element, of which only a few atoms have ever been produced.
BUSINESSIESTBUSINESSY adj. relating to business.
GOVERNESSIERGOVERNESSY adj. like a governess.
GOVERNESSINGgovernessing v. Present participle of governess.
GOVERNESS v. to act as a governess.
UNHARNESSINGunharnessing v. Present participle of unharness.
UNHARNESS v. to release from a harness.
EYEWITNESSINGeyewitnessing v. Present participle of eyewitness.
EYEWITNESS v. to testify from one's own seeing.
GOVERNESSIESTGOVERNESSY adj. like a governess.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 63 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 244 words
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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