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There are 16 words containing NENTI

COMPONENTIALcomponential adj. Of, pertaining to, or comprising components.
COMPONENTIAL adj. relating to a component, also COMPONENTAL.
DESINENTIALdesinential adj. Terminal.
desinential adj. (Linguistics) consisting of desinences or grammatical endings.
DESINENTIAL adj. terminal; ending, also DESINENT.
EMINENTIALeminential adj. (Anatomy) Relating to an eminence or protuberance.
EMINENTIAL adj. (obsolete) eminent, relating to eminence.
EXPONENTIALexponential adj. Relating to an exponent.
exponential adj. (Mathematics) Expressed in terms of a power of e.
exponential adj. (Mathematics) Characterised by a rate of change that is proportional to the value of the varying quantity…
EXPONENTIALLYexponentially adv. (Mathematics, sciences) In an exponential manner.
exponentially adv. (Proscribed) rapidly, greatly.
EXPONENTIAL adv. of or relating to an exponent.
EXPONENTIALSexponentials n. Plural of exponential.
EXPONENTIAL n. an exponential function.
EXPONENTIATIONexponentiation n. (Mathematics, arithmetic) The process of calculating a power by multiplying together a number of equal…
exponentiation n. (Mathematics, arithmetic, countable) A mathematical problem involving exponentiation.
EXPONENTIATION n. the mathematical operation of raising a quantity to a power.
EXPONENTIATIONSexponentiations n. Plural of exponentiation.
EXPONENTIATION n. the mathematical operation of raising a quantity to a power.
IMMANENTISMimmanentism n. (Philosophy, theology) A doctrine based on immanence, especially the immanence of God.
IMMANENTISM n. belief in an immanent or permanent god.
IMMANENTISMSimmanentisms n. Plural of immanentism.
IMMANENTISM n. belief in an immanent or permanent god.
IMMANENTISTimmanentist n. A proponent of immanentism.
IMMANENTIST n. one who believes in an immanent or permanent god.
IMMANENTISTICimmanentistic adj. Of or relating to immanentism.
IMMANENTISTIC adj. relating to immanentism.
IMMANENTISTSimmanentists n. Plural of immanentist.
IMMANENTIST n. one who believes in an immanent or permanent god.
NONENTITIESnonentities n. Plural of nonentity.
NONENTITY n. a person or thing of no importance.
NONENTITYnonentity n. An unimportant or insignificant person.
nonentity n. (Uncountable): the state of not existing; nonexistence.
NONENTITY n. a person or thing of no importance.
UNENTITLEDunentitled adj. Not entitled; ineligible.
UNENTITLED adj. not entitled.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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