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There are 20 words containing NEATI

ALINEATIONalineation n. Alternative form of allineation.
ALINEATION n. alignment, also ALLINEATION.
ALINEATIONSalineations n. Plural of alineation.
ALINEATION n. alignment, also ALLINEATION.
ALLINEATIONallineation n. Alignment; position in a straight line, as of two planets with the sun.
ALLINEATION n. alignment, also ALINEATION.
ALLINEATIONSallineations n. Plural of allineation.
ALLINEATION n. alignment, also ALINEATION.
BALNEATIONbalneation n. (Formal) The act of bathing.
balneation n. The administration of public baths.
BALNEATION n. the act of bathing.
BALNEATIONSbalneations n. Plural of balneation.
BALNEATION n. the act of bathing.
CUNEATICcuneatic adj. Cuneiform.
CUNEATIC adj. wedge-shaped, also CUNEAL, CUNEATE, CUNEATED.
DELINEATINGdelineating v. Present participle of delineate.
DELINEATE v. to mark out with, or as if with, lines.
DELINEATIONdelineation n. The act of delineating; depiction.
delineation n. (Art) An image of the outline of an object.
delineation n. A graphic verbal description.
DELINEATIONSdelineations n. Plural of delineation.
DELINEATION n. the act of delineating.
DELINEATIVEdelineative adj. Serving to delineate.
DELINEATIVE adj. relating to delineation.
INTERLINEATINGinterlineating v. Present participle of interlineate.
INTERLINEATE v. to write between lines.
INTERLINEATIONinterlineation n. A notation made between the lines, especially in a handwritten document; interlining.
INTERLINEATION n. the state of being interlineated.
INTERLINEATIONSinterlineations n. Plural of interlineation.
INTERLINEATION n. the state of being interlineated.
JUNEATINGjuneating n. Alternative form of geniting.
JUNEATING n. an erroneous form of jenneting, an early type of apple, also JENNETING.
JUNEATINGSjuneatings n. Plural of juneating.
JUNEATING n. an erroneous form of jenneting, an early type of apple, also JENNETING.
LINEATIONlineation n. (Geology) A linear feature in rock, often structural.
lineation n. (Literature) The way in which line breaks are inserted in a poem.
LINEATION n. the act of marking with lines.
LINEATIONSlineations n. Plural of lineation.
LINEATION n. the act of marking with lines.
SUBLINEATIONsublineation n. A line drawn underneath text; an underline.
sublineation n. The act of underlining.
sublineation n. (Anthropology) A system of forming kinship groups that subdivide a major lineage into subgroups of more…
SUBLINEATIONSsublineations n. Plural of sublineation.
SUBLINEATION n. the act of underlining.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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