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There are 11 words containing NDOOR

INDOORindoor adj. Situated in, or designed to be used in, or carried on within, the interior of a building.
INDOOR adj. pertaining to the interior of a building.
INDOORSindoors adv. Inside, into, or within a building.
indoors n. The interior of a building; the space inside buildings generally.
in-doors adj. Within, or taking place within a building.
PANDOORpandoor n. Alternative form of pandour.
PANDOOR n. one of a class of Hungarian mountaineers serving in the Austrian army, also PANDOUR.
TANDOORtandoor n. A cylindrical clay oven used, in the cuisine of the Caucasus, Middle East, and Indian subcontinent…
TANDOOR n. (Hindi) a type of Indian cooking in which meat, vegetables etc. are baked over charcoal in a clay oven, also TANDOORI.
MAINDOORMAINDOOR n. the principal door of an establishment.
PANDOORSpandoors n. Plural of pandoor.
PANDOOR n. one of a class of Hungarian mountaineers serving in the Austrian army, also PANDOUR.
TANDOORItandoori adj. (Of food) Cooked in a tandoor.
tandoori n. (Of food) A dish that was cooked in a tandoor.
TANDOORI n. (Hindi) a type of Indian cooking in which meat, vegetables etc. are baked over charcoal in a clay oven, also TANDOOR.
TANDOORStandoors n. Plural of tandoor.
TANDOOR n. (Hindi) a type of Indian cooking in which meat, vegetables etc. are baked over charcoal in a clay oven, also TANDOORI.
MAINDOORSMAINDOOR n. the principal door of an establishment.
TANDOORIStandooris n. Plural of tandoori.
TANDOORI n. (Hindi) a type of Indian cooking in which meat, vegetables etc. are baked over charcoal in a clay oven, also TANDOOR.
WITHINDOORSwithindoors adv. Alternative form of within-doors.
within-doors adv. (Dated) indoors.
WITHINDOORS adv. indoors.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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