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There are 20 words containing NDANG

ENDANGERendanger v. (Transitive) To put (someone or something) in danger; to risk causing harm to.
endanger v. (Obsolete, transitive) To incur the hazard of; to risk; to run the risk of.
ENDANGER v. to expose to loss or injury.
ENDANGEREDendangered adj. In danger, at risk, said of something where there is a strong possibility something bad will happen…
endangered v. Simple past tense and past participle of endanger.
ENDANGER v. to expose to loss or injury.
ENDANGERERendangerer n. One who endangers.
ENDANGERER n. one who endangers.
ENDANGERERSendangerers n. Plural of endangerer.
ENDANGERER n. one who endangers.
ENDANGERINGendangering v. Present participle of endanger.
endangering n. The act of putting someone or something in danger.
ENDANGER v. to expose to loss or injury.
ENDANGERMENTendangerment n. The act of putting someone into danger, or the condition of being in danger.
endangerment n. (Law) The exposure of someone, especially a child, to danger or harm.
ENDANGERMENT n. the act of endangering.
ENDANGERMENTSendangerments n. Plural of endangerment.
ENDANGERMENT n. the act of endangering.
ENDANGERSendangers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of endanger.
ENDANGER v. to expose to loss or injury.
FANDANGLEfandangle n. A piece of nonsense or foolishness.
fandangle n. A trinket or ornament.
FANDANGLE n. an elaborate ornament.
FANDANGLESfandangles n. Plural of fandangle.
FANDANGLE n. an elaborate ornament.
FANDANGOfandango n. (Music, dance) A form of lively flamenco music and dance that has many regional variations (e.g. fandango…
fandango n. A gathering for dancing; a ball.
fandango n. (Figurative, colloquial) An unknown entity or contraption.
FANDANGOESfandangoes n. Plural of fandango.
FANDANGO n. (Spanish) a lively Spanish dance performed by a couple.
FANDANGOSfandangos n. Plural of fandango.
FANDANGO n. (Spanish) a lively Spanish dance performed by a couple.
QUANDANGquandang n. Alternative form of quandong.
QUANDANG n. (Native Australian) an Australian tree, also QUANDONG, QUANTONG.
QUANDANGSquandangs n. Plural of quandang.
QUANDANG n. (Native Australian) an Australian tree, also QUANDONG, QUANTONG.
RENDANGrendang n. An Indonesian dish of beef (or sometimes other meat) slowly cooked in coconut milk.
RENDANG n. an Indonesian dish of meat cooked slowly in a spicy paste.
RENDANGSrendangs n. Plural of rendang.
RENDANG n. an Indonesian dish of meat cooked slowly in a spicy paste.
UNENDANGEREDunendangered adj. Not endangered.
UNENDANGERED adj. not endangered.
VENDANGEvendange n. The annual grape harvest, especially in France.
VENDANGE n. the grape harvest, also VENDAGE.
VENDANGESvendanges n. Plural of vendange.
VENDANGE n. the grape harvest, also VENDAGE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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