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There are 16 words containing NCOND

INCONDENSABLEincondensable adj. Not condensable; incapable of being made more dense or compact, or reduced to liquid form.
INCONDENSABLE adj. not able to be condensed, also INCONDENSIBLE.
INCONDENSIBLEincondensible adj. Alternative form of incondensable.
INCONDENSIBLE adj. not able to be condensed, also INCONDENSABLE.
INCONDITEincondite adj. Badly-arranged, ill-composed, disorderly (especially of artistic works).
incondite adj. Rough, unrefined.
INCONDITE adj. not well put together; poorly constructed.
INCONDITELYINCONDITE adv. not well put together; poorly constructed.
NONCONDENSABLEnoncondensable adj. Not condensable.
NONCONDENSABLE adj. not condensable.
NONCONDITIONEDnonconditioned adj. Not conditioned.
NONCONDITIONED adj. not conditioned.
NONCONDUCTINGnonconducting adj. That does not conduct (electricity or heat).
NONCONDUCTING adj. not conducting.
NONCONDUCTIONnonconduction n. Failure to conduct (Heat, electricity, etc.).
NONCONDUCTION n. the quality of not conducting.
NONCONDUCTIONSNONCONDUCTION n. the quality of not conducting.
NONCONDUCTIVEnonconductive adj. Not conductive (Of heat, sound, electricity etc.).
NONCONDUCTIVE adj. not conductive.
NONCONDUCTORnonconductor n. Any material that does not conduct electricity; a dielectric.
NONCONDUCTOR n. a substance that conducts heat, electricity, or sound only in very small degree.
NONCONDUCTORSnonconductors n. Plural of nonconductor.
NONCONDUCTOR n. a substance that conducts heat, electricity, or sound only in very small degree.
UNCONDITIONALunconditional adj. Absolute; without conditions, limitations, reservations or qualifications.
unconditional n. That which is not conditional.
unconditional n. (Logic) A conditional-like structure expressing that the consequent holds true regardless of the particular…
UNCONDITIONALLYunconditionally adv. Without condition, absolutely.
UNCONDITIONAL adv. not conditional or limited.
UNCONDITIONEDunconditioned adj. Without conditions; absolute.
unconditioned adj. Not having been conditioned.
unconditioned adj. Not treated with hair conditioner.
UNCONDUCIVEunconducive adj. Not likely to produce or support some desired outcome.
UNCONDUCIVE adj. not conducive.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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