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There are 8 words containing NAPES

ANAPESTanapest n. (Prosody) In qualitative metre, a metrical foot consisting of three syllables, two unstressed and one…
anapest n. (Prosody) In quantitative metre, a metrical foot consisting of three syllables, two short and one long…
anapest n. (Prosody) A fragment, phrase or line of poetry or verse using this meter. For an example, see References.
ANAPESTICanapestic adj. Of, or relating to, or composed of an anapest.
anapestic adj. Of, or relating to, one of the distinct beats in a (human?) heartbeat pattern.
anapestic adj. Of, or relating to, a rhythmic pattern used in certain forms of poetry (see also limeric or limerick).
ANAPESTICSanapestics n. Plural of anapestic.
ANAPESTIC n. a verse in the form of an anapest, two short metrical syllables followed by one long one.
ANAPESTSanapests n. Plural of anapest.
ANAPEST n. (Greek) a type of metrical foot, also ANAPAEST.
CANAPEScanapes n. Plural of canape.
canapés n. Plural of canapé.
CANAPE n. (French) a small savoury biscuit.
JACKANAPESjackanapes n. (Obsolete) A monkey.
jackanapes n. (Dated, derogatory) An impudent or mischievous person.
jackanapes n. Plural of jackanape.
JACKANAPESESjackanapeses n. Plural of jackanapes.
jack-a-napeses n. Plural of jack-a-napes.
JACKANAPES n. an impudent child; a conceited fellow.
NAPESnapes n. Plural of nape.
NAPEs n. Plural of NAPE.
NAPE v. to attack with napalm.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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