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There are 14 words containing NACRE

NACREnacre n. (Obsolete) A shellfish which contains mother-of-pearl.
nacre n. A pearly substance which lines the interior of many shells; mother-of-pearl.
nacré adj. (Art) Having an iridescence like that of nacre, or mother-of-pearl.
NACREDnacred adj. Resembling mother-of-pearl.
NACRED adj. having mother-of-pearl.
NACRESnacres n. Plural of nacre.
NACRE n. mother-of-pearl.
CONACREconacre n. (Ireland) An agricultural system of letting land in small patches or strips, usually for tillage.
conacre n. (Ireland) A strip of land that is let under this system.
conacre v. (Ireland) To underlet a proportion of, for a single crop; said of a farm.
CONACREDconacred v. Simple past tense and past participle of conacre.
CONACRE v. of a tenant, to let small portions of land prepared for crop or grazing, also CORNACRE.
CONACRESconacres n. Plural of conacre.
CONACRE v. of a tenant, to let small portions of land prepared for crop or grazing, also CORNACRE.
CORNACREcornacre n. Alternative form of conacre.
CORNACRE n. the letting by a tenant of small portions of land prepared for crop or grazing, also CONACRE.
NACREOUSnacreous adj. Of, or resembling nacre (mother of pearl).
nacreous adj. Exhibiting lustrous or rainbow-like colors.
NACREOUS adj. of or resembling mother-of-pearl, also NACROUS.
CORNACREScornacres n. Plural of cornacre.
CORNACRE n. the letting by a tenant of small portions of land prepared for crop or grazing, also CONACRE.
CONACREISMconacreism n. An agricultural system used in Ireland, in which land is let for a season in small patches or strips…
CONACREISM n. the system of conacre, subletting a portion of a farm, for a single crop.
ANACREONTICanacreontic adj. (Prosody) Pertaining to the style of the Greek poet Anacreon, who wrote of wine and love; (specifically)…
anacreontic adj. Characterised by festivity and the celebration of love and/or drinking; bacchanalian, amorous.
anacreontic n. (Poetry) A short lyrical piece about love and wine.
CONACREISMSCONACREISM n. the system of conacre, subletting a portion of a farm, for a single crop.
ANACREONTICSanacreontics n. Plural of anacreontic.
Anacreontics n. Plural of Anacreontic.
ANACREONTIC n. a drinking song or light lyric.
ANACREONTICALLYanacreontically adv. In an anacreontic manner.
ANACREONTICALLY adv. in the manner of a drinking song.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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