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There are 12 words containing NACIO

MINACIOUSminacious adj. (Now rare) Synonym of threatening, in its various senses.
MINACIOUS adj. threatening.
MINACIOUSLYminaciously adv. Synonym of threateningly: in a minacious manner.
MINACIOUS adv. threatening.
PERTINACIOUSpertinacious adj. Holding tenaciously to an opinion or purpose.
pertinacious adj. Stubbornly resolute or tenacious.
PERTINACIOUS adj. stubbornly unyielding.
PERTINACIOUSLYpertinaciously adv. In a stubbornly resolute manner; tenaciously holding one’s opinion or course of action.
PERTINACIOUS adv. stubbornly unyielding.
PUGNACIOUSpugnacious adj. Naturally aggressive or hostile; combative; belligerent; bellicose.
PUGNACIOUS adj. having a quarrelsome or combative nature.
PUGNACIOUSLYpugnaciously adv. In an aggressive or combative manner.
PUGNACIOUS adv. having a quarrelsome or combative nature.
PUGNACIOUSNESSpugnaciousness n. The act or quality of being pugnacious.
PUGNACIOUS n. having a quarrelsome or combative nature.
TENACIOUStenacious adj. Clinging to an object or surface; adhesive.
tenacious adj. Unwilling to yield or give up; dogged.
tenacious adj. Holding together; cohesive.
TENACIOUSLYtenaciously adv. In a tenacious manner.
TENACIOUS adv. holding on.
TENACIOUSNESStenaciousness n. The characteristic of being tenacious; tenacity.
TENACIOUSNESS n. the state of being tenacious.
TENACIOUSNESSESTENACIOUSNESS n. the state of being tenacious.
TURBINACIOUSTURBINACIOUS adj. (Scott) of the smell of whiskey, peaty.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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