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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 8 nine-letter words containing NSORI

CENSORIALcensorial adj. Relating to a censor.
CENSORIAL adj. pertaining to a censor, or to the correction of public morals, also CENSORIAN.
CENSORIANcensorian adj. Alternative form of censorial.
CENSORIAN adj. pertaining to a censor, or to the correction of public morals, also CENSORIAL.
CENSORINGcensoring v. Present participle of censor.
censoring n. An act of censorship.
CENSOR v. to delete a word or passage.
SENSORIALsensorial adj. Of or pertaining to sensation or the senses; sensory.
SENSORIAL adj. related to the sensorium.
SENSORILYsensorily adv. In a sensory manner.
SENSORY adv. pertaining to the senses or sensation.
SENSORIUMsensorium n. (Psychology) The entire sensory apparatus of an organism.
sensorium n. (Physiology) The central part of a nervous system that receives and coordinates all stimuli.
sensorium n. (Figurative) The brain or mind in relation to the senses.
TENSORIALtensorial adj. (Mathematics) of or pertaining to a tensor.
TENSORIAL adj. relating to a tensor, a muscle that stretches a part, or renders it tense.
TONSORIALtonsorial adj. (Humorous) Relating to barbering, shaving, or hairdressing.
TONSORIAL adj. relating to a barber or a barber's work.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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