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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing NSION

ACCENSIONaccension n. (Obsolete) The act of kindling or the state of being kindled; ignition.
ACCENSION n. the act of kindling or the state of being kindled.
ASCENSIONascension n. The act of ascending; an ascent.
ascension n. A transcendence of the material world; a transition to a higher form, state, or plane of existence.
ascension n. That which rises, as from distillation.
DIMENSIONdimension n. A single aspect of a given thing.
dimension n. A measure of spatial extent in a particular direction, such as height, width or breadth, or depth.
dimension n. A construct whereby objects or individuals can be distinguished.
EXPANSIONexpansion n. An act, process, or instance of expanding.
EXPANSION n. the act of expanding.
EXTENSIONextension n. The act of extending; a stretching out; enlargement in length, breadth, or time; an increase.
extension n. The state of being extended.
extension n. That property of a body by which it occupies a portion of space (or time, e.g. "spatiotemporal extension").
INTENSIONintension n. Intensity or the act of becoming intense.
intension n. (Logic, semantics) Any property or quality connoted by a word, phrase or other symbol, contrasted with…
intension n. (Dated) A straining, stretching, or bending; the state of being strained.
PENSIONEDpensioned v. Simple past tense and past participle of pension.
PENSION v. to grant a retirement allowance to.
PENSIONERpensioner n. Someone who lives on a pension, especially the retirement or old age pension.
pensioner n. (By extension) Someone who is at the age at which one typically receives a pension; an elderly person.
pensioner n. (Obsolete, UK, Cambridge University) A student who is not dependent on any foundation for support, but…
PENSIONESpensiones n. Plural of pensione.
PENSIONE n. (Italian) a boardinghouse.
RECENSIONrecension n. A census, an enumeration, a review, a survey.
recension n. A critical revision of a text.
recension n. A text established by critical revision.
SCANSIONSscansions n. Plural of scansion.
scansions v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of scansion.
SCANSION n. the mode of analysing the metrical patterns of verse.
SPONSIONSsponsions n. Plural of sponsion.
SPONSION n. the act of becoming surety for another.
TENSIONALtensional adj. Relating to tension.
TENSIONAL adj. relating to tension.
TENSIONEDtensioned adj. In tension; strained or pulled on.
tensioned v. Simple past tense and past participle of tension.
TENSION v. to make strained.
TENSIONERtensioner n. Any device that maintains or applies tension.
TENSIONER n. something that tensions.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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