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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 10 fifteen-letter words containing NCENT

CONCENTRATIVELYconcentratively adv. In a concentrative manner.
CONCENTRATIVE adv. tending to concentrate.
CONCENTRICITIESconcentricities n. Plural of concentricity.
CONCENTRICITY n. the quality of being concentric.
DECONCENTRATINGdeconcentrating v. Present participle of deconcentrate.
DECONCENTRATE v. to reduce or abolish the concentration of.
DECONCENTRATIONdeconcentration n. The act of deconcentrating.
DECONCENTRATION n. the act of deconcentrating.
INCENTIVISATIONincentivisation n. (British spelling) Alternative form of incentivization.
INCENTIVISATION n. the process of incentivising, also INCENTIVIZATION.
INCENTIVIZATIONincentivization n. (US, business, economics) The act or process of incentivizing.
INCENTIVIZATION n. the action or process of making something (esp. a product, scheme, etc.) attractive by offering an incentive for purchase or participation, also INCENTIVISATION.
QUINCENTENARIESquincentenaries n. Plural of quincentenary.
QUINCENTENARY n. a five-hundredth anniversary, also QUINGENTENARY.
QUINCENTENNIALSquincentennials n. Plural of quincentennial.
QUINCENTENNIAL n. a five hundred year anniversary.
RECONCENTRATINGreconcentrating v. Present participle of reconcentrate.
RECONCENTRATE v. to concentrate again.
RECONCENTRATIONreconcentration n. A second or subsequent concentration.
reconcentration n. (Historical) The act or policy of concentrating the rural population in or around towns and villages…
RECONCENTRATION n. the act of reconcentrating.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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