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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 8 thirteen-letter words containing NSTAN

HAPPENSTANCEShappenstances n. Plural of happenstance.
HAPPENSTANCE n. a circumstance esp. that is due to chance, also HAPPENCHANCE.
INCONSTANCIESinconstancies n. Plural of inconstancy.
INCONSTANCY n. the state of being inconstant.
INSTANTANEITYinstantaneity n. The condition of being instantaneous.
INSTANTANEITY n. the state of being instantaneous.
INSTANTANEOUSinstantaneous adj. Occurring, arising, or functioning without any delay; happening within an imperceptibly brief period of time.
INSTANTANEOUS adj. done, occurring, or acting without any perceptible duration of time.
INSTANTIATINGinstantiating v. Present participle of instantiate.
INSTANTIATE v. to represent (an abstraction) by a concrete instance.
INSTANTIATIONinstantiation n. (Uncountable) The production of an instance, example, or specific application of a general classification…
instantiation n. (Countable) Something resulting from the act of instantiating; an instance.
instantiation n. (By extension, object-oriented programming) Creation of an instance of some class or template.
INSTANTNESSESINSTANTNESS n. the state of being instant.
NONCONSTANTLYSorry, definition not available.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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