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There are 8 eleven-letter words containing NTARI

CARPENTARIACarpentaria prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Arecaceae – a palm native to tropical coastal regions in northern Australia.
CARPENTARIA n. an evergreen shrub of the hydrangea family, cultivated for its glossy foliage and yellow-centred white flowers.
MOMENTARILYmomentarily adv. (Manner) In a momentary manner; for a moment or instant.
momentarily adv. (US, proscribed, duration) In a moment or very soon; any minute now, any time now.
momentarily adv. Progressively; moment by moment.
SEDENTARILYsedentarily adv. In a sedentary way.
SEDENTARY adv. sitting; living in a fixed location.
UNGUENTARIAunguentaria n. Plural of unguentarium.
UNGUENTARIUM n. a vessel for holding unguents.
VOLUNTARIESvoluntaries n. Plural of voluntary.
VOLUNTARY n. music added to a piece at the will of the performer.
VOLUNTARILYvoluntarily adv. In a voluntary manner.
VOLUNTARY adv. not compulsory.
VOLUNTARISMvoluntarism n. (US) A reliance on volunteers to support an institution or achieve an end; volunteerism.
voluntarism n. (Philosophy) A doctrine that assigns the most dominant position to the will rather than the intellect.
voluntarism n. (Politics) The political theory that a community is best organized by the voluntary cooperation of individuals…
VOLUNTARISTvoluntarist n. Someone who endorses voluntarism.
VOLUNTARIST n. an adherent of voluntarism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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