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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing NDARI

CALENDARINGcalendaring v. Present participle of calendar.
calendaring n. (Computing) The use of a computerized calendar to schedule events or appointments.
CALENDAR v. to schedule, also KALENDAR.
CALENDARISEcalendarise v. Alternative form of calendarize.
CALENDARISE v. in accounting, to divide (something, e.g. a budget) into equal units of time within a year (usually months), also CALENDARIZE.
CALENDARISTcalendarist n. A person who uses a particular form of calendar.
calendarist n. A person who contrives and makes calendars.
CALENDARIST n. one who makes calendars.
CALENDARIZEcalendarize v. To structure in terms of dates; to put onto a timescale.
CALENDARIZE v. in accounting, to divide (something, e.g. a budget) into equal units of time within a year (usually months), also CALENDARISE.
KALENDARINGkalendaring v. Present participle of kalendar.
KALENDAR v. to schedule, also CALENDAR.
LEGENDARIESlegendaries n. Plural of legendary.
LEGENDARY n. a book or writer of legends.
LEGENDARILYlegendarily adv. In the manner of something legendary.
legendarily adv. According to legend.
LEGENDARY adv. having the nature of legend.
MANDARINATEmandarinate n. (Obsolete) The status of holding a position as a mandarin.
mandarinate n. The collective body of mandarins.
mandarinate n. A political form of rule by mandarins.
MANDARINISMmandarinism n. A government of mandarins; character or spirit of the mandarins.
MANDARINISM n. the state of being a mandarin.
SECONDARIESsecondaries n. Plural of secondary.
SECONDARY n. a subordinate.
SECONDARILYsecondarily adv. With lesser importance.
secondarily adv. In a secondary manner or degree.
secondarily adv. (Obsolete) Secondly; in the second place.
ZAMINDARIESzamindaries n. Plural of zamindary.
ZAMINDARY n. (Hindi) the jurisdiction of a zamindar, also ZAMINDARI, ZEMINDARI, ZEMINDARY.
ZEMINDARIESzemindaries n. Plural of zemindary.
ZEMINDARY n. (Hindi) the jurisdiction of a zemindar, also ZAMINDARI, ZAMINDARY, ZEMINDARI.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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