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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing NCOMP

ENCOMPASSEDencompassed v. Simple past tense and past participle of encompass.
ENCOMPASS v. to surround.
ENCOMPASSESencompasses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of encompass.
ENCOMPASS v. to surround.
INCOMPETENTincompetent adj. Unskilled; lacking the degree of ability that would normally be expected.
incompetent adj. Unable to make rational decisions; insane or otherwise cognitively impaired.
incompetent adj. (Medicine, of the cervix) Opening too early during pregnancy, resulting in miscarriage or premature birth.
INCOMPLIANTincompliant adj. Not compliant.
INCOMPLIANT adj. not compliant.
INCOMPOSITEincomposite adj. Not composite; simple or single.
incomposite adj. (Mathematics) Prime.
INCOMPOSITE adj. not composite.
NINCOMPOOPSnincompoops n. Plural of nincompoop.
NINCOMPOOP n. a fool; a silly or stupid person, also NICKUMPOOP, NICOMPOOP.
NONCOMPOSERnoncomposer n. One who is not a composer (writer of music).
NONCOMPOSER n. one who is not a composer.
NONCOMPOUNDnoncompound adj. Not compound.
noncompound n. That which is not a compound.
NONCOMPOUND adj. not compound.
NONCOMPUTERnoncomputer adj. Not of or pertaining to computers.
NONCOMPUTER adj. not related to computers.
UNCOMPACTEDuncompacted adj. Not compacted.
uncompacted v. Simple past tense and past participle of uncompact.
UNCOMPACTED adj. not compacted.
UNCOMPANIEDuncompanied adj. (Archaic) unaccompanied; alone.
UNCOMPANIED adj. unaccompanied.
UNCOMPELLEDuncompelled adj. Not compelled; voluntary.
UNCOMPELLED adj. not compelled.
UNCOMPLETEDuncompleted adj. Not completed.
UNCOMPLETED adj. not completed.
UNCOMPLIANTuncompliant adj. (Archaic) incompliant.
UNCOMPLIANT adj. not compliant.
UNCOMPLYINGuncomplying adj. Not complying.
UNCOMPLYING adj. not complying.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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