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There are 8 words containing NTOD

ENTODERMentoderm n. (Biology) Alternative form of endoderm.
ENTODERM n. the innermost layer of embryo, also ENDODERM.
ENTODERMALentodermal adj. (Biology) Relating to the entoderm.
ENTODERMAL adj. relating to the entoderm, the innermost basic layer of tissue in those animals with true tissues, also ENTODERMIC.
ENTODERMICentodermic adj. Entodermal.
ENTODERMIC adj. relating to the entoderm, the innermost basic layer of tissue in those animals with true tissues, also ENTODERMAL.
ENTODERMSentoderms n. Plural of entoderm.
ENTODERM n. the innermost layer of embryo, also ENDODERM.
FANTODfantod n. (In the plural, dated) A state of worry or nervous anxiety, irritability.
fantod n. An irritable outburst.
FANTOD n. a fidgety state, also FANTAD.
FANTODSfantods n. (Chiefly dated) plural of fantod.
FANTOD n. a fidgety state, also FANTAD.
PENTODEpentode n. A thermionic valve similar to a tetrode with the addition of a third grid, the suppressor grid to reduce…
PENTODE n. a type of electron tube.
PENTODESpentodes n. Plural of pentode.
PENTODE n. a type of electron tube.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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