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There are 17 words containing NTET

ENTETEENTETE adj. (French) obstinate (of a male).
ENTETEEENTETEE adj. (French) obstinate (of a female).
QUINTETquintet n. (Music) A composition (a type of chamber music) in five parts (typically each a singer or instrumentalist…
quintet n. (Music) A group of five musicians, fit to play such a piece of music together.
quintet n. Any group of five members.
ANTETYPEantetype n. An archetype or prototype; something serving as a model for what comes later.
ANTETYPE n. something which a type or symbol represents, also ANTITYPE.
QUINTETSquintets n. Plural of quintet.
QUINTET n. a group of five, also QUINTETT.
QUINTETTquintett n. Archaic form of quintet.
QUINTETT n. a composition for five voices or instruments, also QUINTET, QUINTETTE.
UNTETHERuntether v. (Transitive) To undo by removing a tether.
UNTETHER v. to free from a tether.
ANTETYPESantetypes n. Plural of antetype.
ANTETYPE n. something which a type or symbol represents, also ANTITYPE.
QUINTETTEquintette n. Alternative spelling of quintet A composition for five voices or instruments; also, the set of five…
QUINTETTE n. a composition for five voices or instruments, also QUINTET, QUINTETT.
QUINTETTIQUINTETTO n. (Italian) a quintet.
QUINTETTOquintetto n. (Music) A quintet.
quintetto n. (Archaic) A party of five.
QUINTETTO n. (Italian) a quintet.
QUINTETTSquintetts n. Plural of quintett.
QUINTETT n. a composition for five voices or instruments, also QUINTET, QUINTETTE.
UNTETHERSuntethers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of untether.
UNTETHER v. to free from a tether.
PENTETERICpenteteric adj. Quinquennial.
PENTETERIC adj. occurring every fourth year.
QUINTETTESquintettes n. Plural of quintette.
QUINTETTE n. a composition for five voices or instruments, also QUINTET, QUINTETT.
UNTETHEREDuntethered adj. Not tethered; not tied down.
untethered adj. (Figurative) Unrestrained.
UNTETHER v. to free from a tether.
UNTETHERINGuntethering v. Present participle of untether.
UNTETHER v. to free from a tether.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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