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There are 12 words containing NSIP

INSIPIDinsipid adj. Unappetizingly flavorless.
insipid adj. Flat; lacking character or definition.
INSIPID adj. dull and uninteresting.
INSIPIDERinsipider adj. Comparative form of insipid: more insipid.
INSIPID adj. dull and uninteresting.
INSIPIDESTinsipidest adj. Superlative form of insipid: most insipid.
INSIPID adj. dull and uninteresting.
INSIPIDITIESinsipidities n. Plural of insipidity.
INSIPIDITY n. the state of being insipid, also INSIPIDNESS.
INSIPIDITYinsipidity n. (Uncountable) The condition of being insipid; insipidness.
insipidity n. (Countable) Something that is insipid; an insipid utterance, sight, object, etc.
INSIPIDITY n. the state of being insipid, also INSIPIDNESS.
INSIPIDLYinsipidly adv. In an insipid manner.
INSIPID adv. dull and uninteresting.
INSIPIDNESSinsipidness n. A lack of distinctive, appealing, or energetic character; tastelessness; extreme blandness.
INSIPIDNESS n. the state of being insipid, also INSIPIDITY.
INSIPIDNESSESINSIPIDNESS n. the state of being insipid, also INSIPIDITY.
INSIPIENCEinsipience n. (Archaic) stupidity; folly.
INSIPIENCE n. (archaic) a lack of intelligence.
INSIPIENCESINSIPIENCE n. (archaic) a lack of intelligence.
INSIPIENTinsipient adj. Foolish; lacking wisdom; stupid.
INSIPIENT adj. wanting wisdom; foolish.
INSIPIENTLYinsipiently adv. In an insipient fashion.
INSIPIENT adv. wanting wisdom; foolish.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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