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There are 11 words containing NSEI

SANSEIsansei n. A grandchild of a Japanese immigrant to the Americas.
SANSEI n. (Japanese) a grandchild of Japanese immigrants to the United States.
SENSEIsensei n. A martial arts instructor. Sensei of martial arts usually live and/or work at a dojo where they instruct…
sensei n. A Japanese (language) teacher.
sensei n. A suffix attached to the name of a teacher (principally in translations from Japanese).
CONSEILCONSEIL n. (French) advice, council.
SANSEISsanseis n. Plural of sansei.
SANSEI n. (Japanese) a grandchild of Japanese immigrants to the United States.
SENSEISsenseis n. Plural of sensei.
SENSEI n. (Japanese) a teacher, also SENSI.
CONSEILSCONSEIL n. (French) advice, council.
UNSEIZEDunseized adj. Not seized.
UNSEIZED adj. not seized.
UNSEISABLEUNSEISABLE adj. that cannot be possessed by seisin.
UNSEIZABLEunseizable adj. That cannot be seized or grasped.
UNSEIZABLE adj. not able to be seized.
MONSEIGNEURmonseigneur n. (Archaic) An honorific form of address for an eminent person in France, especially under the Ancien Régime.
monseigneur n. (Archaic) (in particular) A title of the Dauphin of France.
Monseigneur n. Alternative letter-case form of monseigneur.
MONSEIGNEURSmonseigneurs n. Plural of monseigneur.
Monseigneurs n. Plural of Monseigneur.
MONSEIGNEUR n. (French) a French title of respect given to princes and prelates.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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