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There are 8 words containing NOTU

NOTUMnotum n. (Zoology) The back; the dorsal aspect of the thorax in insects.
NOTUM n. (Greek) part of the thorax of an insect.
NANOTUBEnanotube n. (Chemistry) Shortening of carbon nanotube; A carbon molecule, in the shape of a tube, having a fullerene…
nanotube n. Any nanotech tubular structure with a characteristic diameter measured in a few nanometres, such as…
NANOTUBE n. a cylindrical tube of carbon.
PRONOTUMpronotum n. The dorsal plate of the prothorax in insects.
PRONOTUM n. a hard outer plate of an insect.
NANOTUBESnanotubes n. Plural of nanotube.
NANOTUBE n. a cylindrical tube of carbon.
NOTUNGULATEnotungulate n. Alternative form of notoungulate.
NOTUNGULATE n. any one of an extinct group of herbivorous, hoofed mammals, also NOTOUNGULATE.
NOTUNGULATESnotungulates n. Plural of notungulate.
NOTUNGULATE n. any one of an extinct group of herbivorous, hoofed mammals, also NOTOUNGULATE.
DINOTURBATIONdinoturbation n. Bioturbation caused by the movements of dinosaurs.
DINOTURBATION n. the effects of dinosaur trampling on the formation of sedimentary rock.
DINOTURBATIONSDINOTURBATION n. the effects of dinosaur trampling on the formation of sedimentary rock.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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