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There are 12 words containing NODU

GONODUCTgonoduct n. (Zoology) Either of a pair of ducts, leading from a gonad to the exterior, through which gametes pass.
GONODUCT n. a duct leading from a gonad to the exterior, through which gametes pass.
GONODUCTSgonoducts n. Plural of gonoduct.
GONODUCT n. a duct leading from a gonad to the exterior, through which gametes pass.
NODULARnodular adj. Of or relating to a nodule or nodules.
nodular adj. Possessing, composed of, or similar in form to nodules.
NODULAR adj. composed of nodules.
NODULATEDnodulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of nodulate.
nodulated adj. Having nodules.
NODULATED adj. having or characterized by nodular growths, esp. root nodules.
NODULATIONnodulation n. The presence of nodules.
nodulation n. The process that forms nodules.
NODULATION n. the state of having nodules.
NODULATIONSnodulations n. Plural of nodulation.
NODULATION n. the state of having nodules.
NODULEnodule n. A rounded mass or irregular shape; a little knot or lump.
NODULE n. a little rounded lump or swelling.
NODULEDnoduled adj. Having nodules.
NODULED adj. having a nodule or nodules.
NODULESnodules n. Plural of nodule.
NODULE n. a little rounded lump or swelling.
NODULOSEnodulose adj. (Biology) having nodules.
NODULOSE adj. having small nodes or knots, also NODULOUS.
NODULOUSnodulous adj. Alternative form of nodulose.
NODULOUS adj. having small nodes or knots, also NODULOSE.
NODUSnodus n. A difficulty.
nodus n. (Zoology) In the Odonata, a prominent crossvein near the centre of the leading edge of a wing.
NODUS n. (Latin) a knotty point, a difficulty.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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