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There are 18 words containing NNIU

BIENNIUMbiennium n. A period of two years, particularly for purposes involving intercalation or fiscal calculations.
BIENNIUM n. (Latin) a period of two years.
BIENNIUMSbienniums n. Plural of biennium.
BIENNIUM n. (Latin) a period of two years.
DECENNIUMdecennium n. Synonym of decade: a ten year period.
DECENNIUM n. (Latin) a period of ten years.
TRIENNIUMtriennium n. A period of three years.
TRIENNIUM n. (Latin) a period of three years.
DECENNIUMSdecenniums n. Plural of decennium.
DECENNIUM n. (Latin) a period of ten years.
MILLENNIUMmillennium n. A period of time consisting of one thousand years.
millennium n. (Christianity) The period of one thousand years during which Christ will reign on earth (according to…
millennium n. A period of universal happiness, peace or prosperity; a utopia.
SEPTENNIUMseptennium n. A period of seven years.
SEPTENNIUM n. a period of seven years.
TRIENNIUMStrienniums n. Plural of triennium.
TRIENNIUM n. (Latin) a period of three years.
MILLENNIUMSmillenniums n. Plural of millennium.
MILLENNIUM n. (Latin) a period of one thousand years.
QUADRENNIUMquadrennium n. A period of 4 years, particularly (historical) the sets of four years in the ancient Egyptian and Greek calendars.
QUADRENNIUM n. (Latin) a period of four years, also QUADRIENNIUM.
SEPTENNIUMSseptenniums n. Plural of septennium.
SEPTENNIUM n. a period of seven years.
BIMILLENNIUMBIMILLENNIUM n. (Latin) a period of two thousand years.
QUADRENNIUMSquadrenniums n. Plural of quadrennium.
QUADRENNIUM n. (Latin) a period of four years, also QUADRIENNIUM.
QUADRIENNIUMQUADRIENNIUM n. (Latin) a period of four years, also QUADRENNIUM.
QUINQUENNIUMquinquennium n. A period of five years.
QUINQUENNIUM n. a period of five years, also QUINQUENNIAD.
BIMILLENNIUMSBIMILLENNIUM n. (Latin) a period of two thousand years.
QUADRIENNIUMSQUADRIENNIUM n. (Latin) a period of four years, also QUADRENNIUM.
QUINQUENNIUMSquinquenniums n. Plural of quinquennium.
QUINQUENNIUM n. a period of five years, also QUINQUENNIAD.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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  • English Wiktionary: 38 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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