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There are 18 words containing NNIK

CANNIKINcannikin n. Alternative form of canakin.
CANNIKIN n. a small can or cup, also CANAKIN, CANIKIN.
CANNIKINScannikins n. Plural of cannikin.
CANNIKIN n. a small can or cup, also CANAKIN, CANIKIN.
DONNIKERDONNIKER n. an outside lavatory, also DUNNY, DUNNAKIN.
DONNIKERSDONNIKER n. an outside lavatory, also DUNNY, DUNNAKIN.
KINNIKINICkinnikinic n. Alternative form of kinnikinnick (mixture which is smoked).
kinnikinic n. Alternative form of kinnikinnick (any of the plants used in this mixture).
KINNIKINIC n. (Native American) a mixture used by Native Americans as a substitute for tobacco, also KILLIKINICK, KINNIKINICK, KINNIKINNICK.
KINNIKINICKkinnikinick n. Alternative form of kinnikinnick.
KINNIKINICK n. (Native American) a mixture used by Native Americans as a substitute for tobacco, also KILLIKINICK, KINNIKINIC, KINNIKINNICK.
KINNIKINICKSKINNIKINICK n. (Native American) a mixture used by Native Americans as a substitute for tobacco, also KILLIKINICK, KINNIKINIC, KINNIKINNICK.
KINNIKINICSkinnikinics n. Plural of kinnikinic.
KINNIKINIC n. (Native American) a mixture used by Native Americans as a substitute for tobacco, also KILLIKINICK, KINNIKINICK, KINNIKINNICK.
KINNIKINNICKkinnikinnick n. A mixture of bark, dried leaves, and often berries and/or tobacco, which is smoked.
kinnikinnick n. Any of the plants whose berries, leaves or bark are used in this mixture.
KINNIKINNICK n. (Native American) a mixture used by Native Americans as a substitute for tobacco, also KILLIKINICK, KINNIKINIC, KINNIKINICK.
KINNIKINNICKSkinnikinnicks n. Plural of kinnikinnick.
KINNIKINNICK n. (Native American) a mixture used by Native Americans as a substitute for tobacco, also KILLIKINICK, KINNIKINIC, KINNIKINICK.
MANNIKINmannikin n. Alternative form of manikin (little man).
mannikin n. Any of several passerine bird species of the genus Lonchura, family Estrildidae, of Asia and Australasia.
MANNIKIN n. an anatomical model of the human body used for teaching purposes, also MANIKIN, MANNEQUIN.
MANNIKINSmannikins n. Plural of mannikin.
MANNIKIN n. an anatomical model of the human body used for teaching purposes, also MANIKIN, MANNEQUIN.
PANNIKELpannikel n. (Obsolete) The brain-pan, or skull; hence, the crest.
PANNIKEL n. (obsolete) a thin, sheetlike garment, also PANNICLE, PANNICULUS.
PANNIKELLpannikell n. Alternative form of pannikel.
PANNIKELL n. (Spenser) the skull.
PANNIKELLSpannikells n. Plural of pannikell.
PANNIKELL n. (Spenser) the skull.
PANNIKELSpannikels n. Plural of pannikel.
PANNIKEL n. (obsolete) a thin, sheetlike garment, also PANNICLE, PANNICULUS.
PANNIKINpannikin n. A durable cup or other vessel used for drinking made of metal and coated in enamel.
pannikin n. The contents of such a vessel.
PANNIKIN n. a small metal cup.
PANNIKINSpannikins n. Plural of pannikin.
PANNIKIN n. a small metal cup.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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