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There are 11 words containing NNIG

BRANNIGANbrannigan n. Binge, bender, booze-up (where alcohol is drunk).
brannigan n. Brawl, fight.
Brannigan prop.n. A surname from Irish.
BRANNIGANSbrannigans n. Plural of brannigan.
Brannigans prop.n. Plural of Brannigan.
BRANNIGAN n. a drinking spree; a noisy altercation or quarrel.
NENNIGAINENNIGAI n. (Native Australian) a large edible marine fish, also NANNYGAI.
NENNIGAISNENNIGAI n. (Native Australian) a large edible marine fish, also NANNYGAI.
PFENNIGpfennig n. (Historical, numismatics) One hundredth of the former German mark (Deutsche Mark).
PFENNIG n. (German) a German coin, also PFENNING.
PFENNIGEpfennige n. Plural of pfennig.
PFENNIG n. (German) a German coin, also PFENNING.
PFENNIGSpfennigs n. Plural of pfennig.
PFENNIG n. (German) a German coin, also PFENNING.
SENNIGHTsennight n. (Archaic or obsolete).
sennight n. (Obsolete).
se'nnight n. Alternative form of sennight.
SENNIGHTSsennights n. Plural of sennight.
se'nnights n. Plural of se’nnight.
SENNIGHT n. (archaic) the space of seven nights and days, a week.
WANNIGANwannigan n. A box, usually made of wood, used to store food on canoe or sledding trips.
WANNIGAN n. (Native American) in a lumber camp, a chest for supplies, or the pay office, also WANGAN, WANGUN, WANIGAN.
WANNIGANSwannigans n. Plural of wannigan.
WANNIGAN n. (Native American) in a lumber camp, a chest for supplies, or the pay office, also WANGAN, WANGUN, WANIGAN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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