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There are 17 words containing NNEY

GYNNEYGYNNEY n. (Shakespeare) a guinea hen, also GYNNY.
GYNNEYSGYNNEY n. (Shakespeare) a guinea hen, also GYNNY.
JANNEYjanney n. (Newfoundland) A mummer.
Janney prop.n. A surname.
JANNEY v. to act as a disguised merrymaker at Christmas, also JANNY.
JANNEYEDJANNEY v. to act as a disguised merrymaker at Christmas, also JANNY.
JANNEYINGJANNEYING n. acting as a disguised merrymaker at Christmas.
JANNEYINGSJANNEYING n. acting as a disguised merrymaker at Christmas.
JANNEYSjanneys n. Plural of janney.
Janneys prop.n. Plural of Janney.
JANNEY v. to act as a disguised merrymaker at Christmas, also JANNY.
LINNEYlinney n. Alternative form of linhay.
Linney prop.n. A surname.
LINNEY n. a shed with an open front, also LINHAY, LINNY.
LINNEYSlinneys n. Plural of linney.
Linneys prop.n. Plural of Linney.
LINNEY n. a shed with an open front, also LINHAY, LINNY.
SHINNEYshinney n. (Obsolete) The game of hockey.
SHINNEY v. to play a form of hockey.
SHINNEYEDSHINNEY v. to play a form of hockey.
SHINNEYINGSHINNEY v. to play a form of hockey.
SHINNEYSSHINNEY v. to play a form of hockey.
SPINNEYspinney n. (UK) A small copse or wood, especially one planted as a shelter for game birds.
spinney n. Clipping of spinnaker.
Spinney prop.n. A surname.
SPINNEYSspinneys n. Plural of spinney.
Spinneys prop.n. Plural of Spinney.
SPINNEY n. a small thicket or grove with undergrowth, also SPINNY.
SWINNEYswinney n. Alternative form of sweeny.
Swinney prop.n. A surname from Irish.
SWINNEY n. atrophy of a horse's shoulder muscle, also SWEENEY, SWEENY.
SWINNEYSSwinneys prop.n. Plural of Swinney.
SWINNEY n. atrophy of a horse's shoulder muscle, also SWEENEY, SWEENY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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