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There are 18 words containing NNAR

ANTENNARYantennary adj. Relating to antennae or feelers.
antennary adj. (Organic chemistry) branching.
ANTENNARY adj. having antennae.
BIPINNARIAbipinnaria n. (Zoology) The larva of certain starfishes as developed in the free-swimming stage.
BIPINNARIA n. the larva of certain starfishes as developed in the free-swimming stage.
BIPINNARIASBIPINNARIA n. the larva of certain starfishes as developed in the free-swimming stage.
CINNARIZINEcinnarizine n. A particular antihistamine drug, mainly used to control vomiting due to motion sickness.
CINNARIZINE n. a generic antihistamine drug used to relieve nausea and travel sickness.
CINNARIZINESCINNARIZINE n. a generic antihistamine drug used to relieve nausea and travel sickness.
DECENNARIESdecennaries n. Plural of decennary.
DECENNARY n. a tithing, also DECENARY.
DECENNARYdecennary adj. Decennial: of or related to a ten-year period.
decennary n. A decennium: a period of ten years.
decennary adj. Alternative form of decenary: of or related to the number ten; containing ten items.
DUNNARTdunnart n. Any species of the genus Sminthopsis of small carnivorous marsupials that resemble mice or shrews.
DUNNART n. (Native Australian) an Australian marsupial mouse.
DUNNARTSdunnarts n. Plural of dunnart.
DUNNART n. (Native Australian) an Australian marsupial mouse.
INNARDSinnards n. Plural of innard.
innards n. The internal organs of a human or animal; especially viscera, intestines.
innards n. The inner workings of something; the insides or guts.
NONNARRATIVEnonnarrative adj. Not narrative in character or style.
nonnarrative n. That which is not a narrative.
NONNARRATIVE adj. not narrative.
NONNARRATIVESnonnarratives n. Plural of nonnarrative.
STANNARIESstannaries n. Plural of stannary.
STANNARY n. a tin-mining region.
STANNARYstannary adj. Of or pertaining to tin mining, especially in Cornwall.
stannary n. A tin mine or tinworks.
STANNARY n. a tin-mining region.
WINNARDwinnard n. (UK, dialect) The redwing.
WINNARD n. (dialect) a heron.
WINNARDSwinnards n. Plural of winnard.
WINNARD n. (dialect) a heron.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 110 words
  • Scrabble in French: 69 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 236 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 41 words

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