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There are 12 words containing NKEE

YANKEEyankee n. (Nautical) A headsail resembling a genoa or a jib but with a high-cut clew, normally used together with…
yankee n. (International standards) Alternative letter-case form of Yankee from the NATO/ICAO Phonetic Alphabet.
yankee n. Alternative letter-case form of Yankee of the ICAO/NATO radiotelephony alphabet.
NANKEENnankeen n. A type of cotton cloth originally from Nanking in China.
NANKEEN n. (Chinese) a durable buff-coloured cotton, also NANKIN.
THANKEEthankee interj. (Dialect) Alternative form of thank you.
thankee n. (Dialect, dated) A thank-you.
thank'ee interj. (Dialect) Alternative form of thank you.
YANKEESyankees n. Plural of yankee.
Yankees n. Plural of Yankee.
Yankees prop.n. (Baseball) The team New York Yankees.
NANKEENSnankeens n. Plural of nankeen.
nankeens n. Clothes, especially breeches, made of nankeen.
NANKEEN n. (Chinese) a durable buff-coloured cotton, also NANKIN.
UNKEELEDunkeeled adj. (Of e.g. an animal or boat) Not having a keel.
UNKEELED adj. not keeled.
INNKEEPERinnkeeper n. The person responsible for the running of an inn, usually the proprietor.
INNKEEPER n. a person in charge of an inn.
PALANKEENpalankeen n. Alternative spelling of palanquin.
PALANKEEN n. (Malay) a light litter for one passenger, also PALANQUIN.
INNKEEPERSinnkeepers n. Plural of innkeeper.
INNKEEPER n. a person in charge of an inn.
PALANKEENSpalankeens n. Plural of palankeen.
PALANKEEN n. (Malay) a light litter for one passenger, also PALANQUIN.
GREENKEEPERgreenkeeper n. (Golf) An employee responsible for the maintenance of a golf course.
green␣keeper n. Alternative spelling of greenkeeper.
GREENKEEPER n. a person responsible for the care and upkeep of a golf course, also GREENSKEEPER.
GREENKEEPERSgreenkeepers n. Plural of greenkeeper.
green␣keepers n. Plural of green keeper.
GREENKEEPER n. a person responsible for the care and upkeep of a golf course, also GREENSKEEPER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 112 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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