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There are 15 words containing NIBL

CONTEMNIBLEcontemnible adj. Fit to be contemned; contemptible.
CONTEMNIBLE adj. worthy of being contemned.
CONTEMNIBLYCONTEMNIBLE adv. worthy of being contemned.
DISCERNIBLEdiscernible adj. Possible to discern; detectable or derivable by use of the senses or the intellect.
DISCERNIBLE adj. that can be discerned, also DISCERNABLE.
DISCERNIBLYdiscernibly adv. In a discernible manner.
DISCERNIBLE adv. that can be discerned, also DISCERNABLE.
EXPONIBLEexponible adj. Able to be, or requiring to be, explained.
EXPONIBLE adj. capable of being explained.
INDISCERNIBLEindiscernible adj. Not capable of being discerned, of being perceived.
indiscernible adj. Not capable of being distinguished from something else.
indiscernible n. (Chiefly philosophy) Something which is incapable of being discerned.
INDISCERNIBLYindiscernibly adv. In a way that cannot be discerned.
INDISCERNIBLE adv. incapable of being discerned.
INTENIBLEintenible adj. (Obsolete) Incapable of holding or containing.
INTENIBLE adj. not capable of holding or retaining, also INTENABLE, UNTENABLE.
NIBLETniblet n. A kernel of corn, usually from a can.
niblet n. A small piece of something, especially of snack food.
NIBLET n. a small piece of food, in particular a kernel of sweetcorn.
NIBLETSniblets n. Plural of niblet.
NIBLET n. a small piece of food, in particular a kernel of sweetcorn.
NIBLICKniblick n. (Golf, dated) A metal-headed golf club with a large highly lofted head. Replaced by a sand iron or wedge…
niblick v. (Golf, transitive, intransitive) To strike, or take a shot, with a niblick.
NIBLICK n. an iron-headed golf club with a steeply angled face, for playing out of bunkers.
NIBLICKSniblicks n. Plural of niblick.
NIBLICK n. an iron-headed golf club with a steeply angled face, for playing out of bunkers.
NIBLIKEniblike adj. Resembling or characteristic of the nib of a pen.
niblike adj. (UK, slang, obsolete) Gentlemanly.
NIBLIKE adj. like a nib.
UNDISCERNIBLEundiscernible adj. Archaic spelling of indiscernible.
UNDISCERNIBLE adj. incapable of being discerned.
UNDISCERNIBLYundiscernibly adv. In an undiscernible way.
UNDISCERNIBLE adv. incapable of being discerned.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 55 words
  • Scrabble in French: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 58 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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