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There are 13 words containing NEPE

NEPERneper n. (Electronics) A non-SI unit of the attenuation (or sometimes gain) of field and power quantities such…
NEPER n. a unit for expressing the ratio of two currents or voltages.
NEPERSnepers n. Plural of neper.
NEPER n. a unit for expressing the ratio of two currents or voltages.
NEPETAnepeta n. (Botany) Any plant of the genus Nepeta of flowering plants, including catnip.
Nepeta prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Lamiaceae – catmints.
NEPETA n. (Latin) any of various labiate plants of the genus Nepeta, aka catmint.
NEPETASnepetas n. Plural of nepeta.
NEPETA n. (Latin) any of various labiate plants of the genus Nepeta, aka catmint.
NEPENTHEnepenthe n. (Archaic) Alternative form of nepenthes (“a drug that relieves one of emotional pain, grief or sorrow”).
NEPENTHE n. (Greek) a drug used by the ancients to give relief from pain and sorrow; hence anything soothing and comforting.
DONEPEZILdonepezil n. (Pharmacology) A drug taken orally in the form of its hydrochloride C24H29NO3·HCl to treat dementia…
DONEPEZIL n. a drug used in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.
NEPENTHESnepenthes n. A drug mentioned in Homer’s Odyssey (C. 8th century B.C.E.) as bringing relief from anxiety or grief;…
nepenthes n. A Southeast Asian carnivorous plant of the genus Nepenthes; a monkey cup or tropical pitcher plant.
nepenthes n. (Archaic) plural of nepenthe.
NINEPENCEninepence n. (Obsolete, Britain) A former British silver coin, worth nine old pennies.
ninepence n. (Obsolete, Britain) Nine old pennies.
ninepence n. (Obsolete, New England) A Spanish real, valued at twelve and a half cents.
NINEPENNYninepenny adj. Having a value or cost of ninepence.
ninepenny n. (Historical) A relatively cheap seat in a cinema, costing ninepence.
NINEPENNY n. a coin worth nine pence.
DONEPEZILSDONEPEZIL n. a drug used in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.
NEPENTHEANnepenthean adj. Bringing welcome forgetfulness or relief.
NEPENTHEAN adj. relating to nepenthe, soothing, comforting.
NINEPENCESninepences n. Plural of ninepence.
NINEPENCE n. nine pennies.
NINEPENNIESninepennies n. Plural of ninepenny.
NINEPENNY n. a coin worth nine pence.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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