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There are 14 words containing NECU

LINECUTlinecut n. A print obtained from a line drawing; a line engraving.
LINECUT n. a type of printing plate.
LINECUTSlinecuts n. Plural of linecut.
LINECUT n. a type of printing plate.
SINECUREsinecure n. A position that requires no work but still gives an ample payment; a cushy job.
sinecure n. (Historical) An ecclesiastical benefice without the care of souls.
sinecure adj. Requiring no work for an ample reward.
SINECURESsinecures n. Plural of sinecure.
SINECURE n. a position that requires little or no work, but provides income.
SINECURISMsinecurism n. The state of having a sinecure.
SINECURISM n. the state of having a sinecure.
SINECURISMSsinecurisms n. Plural of sinecurism.
SINECURISM n. the state of having a sinecure.
SINECURISTsinecurist n. The beneficiary of a sinecure.
SINECURIST n. one who has a sinecure.
SINECURISTSsinecurists n. Plural of sinecurist.
SINECURIST n. one who has a sinecure.
STONECUTSTONECUT n. a print made from an image engraved on a stone.
STONECUTSSTONECUT n. a print made from an image engraved on a stone.
STONECUTTERstonecutter n. Somebody who cuts, carves or dresses stone.
stonecutter n. A machine that is used to cut stone or concrete.
STONECUTTER n. one who cuts stone.
STONECUTTERSstonecutters n. Plural of stonecutter.
STONECUTTER n. one who cuts stone.
STONECUTTINGstonecutting n. The hewing or dressing of stone.
STONECUTTING n. the business of a stonecutter.
STONECUTTINGSstonecuttings n. Plural of stonecutting.
STONECUTTING n. the business of a stonecutter.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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