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There are 13 words containing NECA

BENZENECARBONYLBENZENECARBONYL n. a systemic name for benzoyl.
LINECASTERlinecaster n. A typesetting machine that casts entire lines of type in metal slugs.
LINECASTER n. a machine that casts metal type in lines.
LINECASTERSlinecasters n. Plural of linecaster.
LINECASTER n. a machine that casts metal type in lines.
LINECASTINGlinecasting n. (Printing) The use of a linecaster to cast entire lines of type in metal slugs.
LINECASTING n. the casting of metal type in lines.
LINECASTINGSLINECASTING n. the casting of metal type in lines.
PHONECAMphonecam n. A camera built into a mobile phone.
PHONECAM n. a digital camera within a mobile phone.
PHONECAMSphonecams n. Plural of phonecam.
PHONECAM n. a digital camera within a mobile phone.
PHONECARDphonecard n. A chargecard used to pay for telephone calls.
phone␣card n. Synonym of telephone card.
PHONECARD n. a card used to make phone calls.
PHONECARDSphonecards n. Plural of phonecard.
phone␣cards n. Plural of phone card.
PHONECARD n. a card used to make phone calls.
SENECASeneca prop.n. A Roman cognomen, notably borne by Lucius Annaeus Seneca, a Roman stoic philosopher, dramatist, and statesman.
Seneca n. A member of a tribe of Native Americans in western New York state.
Seneca prop.n. The Iroquoian language of the Seneca people.
SENECASSenecas n. Plural of Seneca.
SENECA n. a North American milkwort, or its root, used medicinally, also SENEGA.
STONECASTstonecast n. A stone’s throw; a short distance.
STONECAST n. the throw of a stone.
STONECASTSstonecasts n. Plural of stonecast.
STONECAST n. the throw of a stone.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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