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There are 18 words containing NEBB

NEBBEDNEB v. of birds, to touch bills.
NEBBUKnebbuk n. Alternative form of nebek.
NEBBUK n. (Arabic) a prickly shrub, the Christ's-thorn, also NABK, NEBECK, NEBEK.
SNEBBESNEBBE v. to reprimand, also SNEB, SNUB, SNUBBE.
NEBBICHnebbich n. Alternative form of nebbish.
NEBBICH n. (Yiddish) a colourless, insignificant person, also NEBBISH, NEBBISHE, NEBBISHER, NEBISH.
NEBBINGnebbing n. (Zoology) The act of a pair of birds of touching or rubbing each other’s bills.
NEB v. of birds, to touch bills.
NEBBISHnebbish n. One who is fearful and timid, especially in making decisions and plans, in discussions, debates, arguments…
NEBBISH n. (Yiddish) a colourless, insignificant person, also NEBBICH, NEBBISHE, NEBBISHER, NEBISH.
NEBBUKSnebbuks n. Plural of nebbuk.
NEBBUK n. (Arabic) a prickly shrub, the Christ's-thorn, also NABK, NEBECK, NEBEK.
SNEBBEDsnebbed v. Simple past tense and past participle of sneb.
SNEB v. to reprimand, also SNEBBE, SNUB, SNUBBE.
SNEBBESSNEBBE v. to reprimand, also SNEB, SNUB, SNUBBE.
NEBBICHSnebbichs n. Plural of nebbich.
NEBBICH n. (Yiddish) a colourless, insignificant person, also NEBBISH, NEBBISHE, NEBBISHER, NEBISH.
NEBBISHEnebbishe n. Alternative form of nebbish.
NEBBISHE n. (Yiddish) a colourless, insignificant person, also NEBBICH, NEBBISH, NEBBISHER, NEBISH.
NEBBISHYnebbishy adj. Resembling or characteristic of a nebbish.
NEBBISHY adj. like a nebbish, wimpy.
SNEBBINGsnebbing v. Present participle of sneb.
SNEB v. to reprimand, also SNEBBE, SNUB, SNUBBE.
NEBBISHERnebbisher n. Synonym of nebbish.
NEBBISHER n. (Yiddish) a colourless, insignificant person, also NEBBICH, NEBBISH, NEBBISHE, NEBISH.
NEBBISHESnebbishes n. Plural of nebbish.
nebbishes n. Plural of nebbishe.
NEBBISH n. (Yiddish) a colourless, insignificant person, also NEBBICH, NEBBISHE, NEBBISHER, NEBISH.
NEBBISHERSnebbishers n. Plural of nebbisher.
NEBBISHER n. (Yiddish) a colourless, insignificant person, also NEBBICH, NEBBISH, NEBBISHE, NEBISH.
NEBBISHIERNEBBISHY adj. like a nebbish, wimpy.
NEBBISHIESTNEBBISHY adj. like a nebbish, wimpy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 33 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 282 words
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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