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There are 17 words containing NEAG

LINEAGElineage n. Descent in a line from a common progenitor; progeny; descending line of offspring or ascending line of parentage.
lineage n. (Advertising) A number of lines of text in a column.
lineage n. A fee or rate paid per line of text.
TUNEAGEtuneage n. (Slang) music.
TUNEAGE n. (a piece of) recorded music that one likes.
UNEAGERuneager adj. Not eager.
UNEAGER adj. not eager.
ENNEAGONenneagon n. (Geometry) A polygon with nine sides; a nonagon.
ENNEAGON n. a polygon with nine angles.
LINEAGESlineages n. Plural of lineage.
LINEAGE n. direct descent from an ancestor, also LIGNAGE, LYNAGE.
RENEAGUERENEAGUE v. to go back on a promise etc., also RENAGUE, RENEGE, RENEGUE, RENIG.
TUNEAGESTUNEAGE n. (a piece of) recorded music that one likes.
ENNEAGONSenneagons n. Plural of enneagon.
ENNEAGON n. a polygon with nine angles.
ENNEAGRAMenneagram n. (Mathematics) A nine-pointed stellate polygon.
enneagram n. (Psychology) Such a figure used to indicate nine personality traits of a subject.
ENNEAGRAM n. a personality system involving nine distinct personality types.
RENEAGUEDRENEAGUE v. to go back on a promise etc., also RENAGUE, RENEGE, RENEGUE, RENIG.
RENEAGUESRENEAGUE v. to go back on a promise etc., also RENAGUE, RENEGE, RENEGUE, RENIG.
UNEAGERLYuneagerly adv. Without eagerness.
UNEAGER adv. not eager.
ENNEAGONALenneagonal adj. (Geometry) In the form of an enneagon; having nine angles.
ENNEAGONAL adj. belonging to an enneagon; having nine angles.
ENNEAGRAMSenneagrams n. Plural of enneagram.
ENNEAGRAM n. a personality system involving nine distinct personality types.
RENEAGUINGRENEAGUE v. to go back on a promise etc., also RENAGUE, RENEGE, RENEGUE, RENIG.
PATRILINEAGEpatrilineage n. Lineage based upon the paternal line; a group of descendants related through a common male lineage.
PATRILINEAGE n. descent through the male line.
PATRILINEAGESpatrilineages n. Plural of patrilineage.
PATRILINEAGE n. descent through the male line.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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