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There are 10 words containing NDEU

ASCENDEURascendeur n. A metal grip that attaches to a rope sling and can be tightened to hold a climber or loosened to allow…
ASCENDEUR n. (French) a metal grip that is threaded on a rope as a climbing aid.
ASCENDEURSascendeurs n. Plural of ascendeur.
ASCENDEUR n. (French) a metal grip that is threaded on a rope as a climbing aid.
DESCENDEURdescendeur n. A piece of metal around which a rope is passed in order to slow descent when abseiling.
DESCENDEUR n. a shaped metal piece through which the rope can be fed, used to control the rate of descent in abseiling.
DESCENDEURSdescendeurs n. Plural of descendeur.
DESCENDEUR n. a shaped metal piece through which the rope can be fed, used to control the rate of descent in abseiling.
FRONDEURfrondeur n. A political rebel.
FRONDEUR n. (French) a member of the Fronde, a rebellious movement established in France during the reign of Louis XIV.
FRONDEURSfrondeurs n. Plural of frondeur.
FRONDEUR n. (French) a member of the Fronde, a rebellious movement established in France during the reign of Louis XIV.
GRANDEURgrandeur n. The state of being grand or splendid; magnificence.
grandeur n. Nobility (state of being noble).
grandeur n. (Archaic, rare) Greatness; largeness; tallness; loftiness.
GRANDEURSgrandeurs n. Plural of grandeur.
GRANDEUR n. (French) impressive size.
VENDEUSEvendeuse n. A saleswoman in a fashionable clothing store.
VENDEUSE n. (French) a saleswoman.
VENDEUSESvendeuses n. Plural of vendeuse.
VENDEUSE n. (French) a saleswoman.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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