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There are 15 words containing NCOD

ENCODABLEencodable adj. That can be encoded.
ENCODABLE adj. that can be encoded.
ENCODEencode v. (Transitive) To convert (plain text) into code.
encode v. (Transitive, communication) To convert source information into another form.
encode v. (Biology) To constitute the code necessary for the biosynthesis of a protein by means of a matrix so…
ENCODEDencoded v. Simple past tense and past participle of encode.
ENCODE v. to put into code.
ENCODEMENTencodement n. A process of encoding; encryption.
ENCODEMENT n. the act of encoding.
ENCODEMENTSencodements n. Plural of encodement.
ENCODEMENT n. the act of encoding.
ENCODERencoder n. A device or algorithm used to encode something.
ENCODER n. one who encodes.
ENCODERSencoders n. Plural of encoder.
ENCODER n. one who encodes.
ENCODESencodes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of encode.
encodes n. Plural of encode.
ENCODE v. to put into code.
ENCODINGencoding n. (Computing) The way in which symbols are mapped onto bytes, e.g. in the rendering of a particular font…
encoding n. A conversion of plain text into a code or cypher form (for decoding by the recipient).
encoding v. Present participle of encode.
ENCODINGSencodings n. Plural of encoding.
ENCODING n. the act of putting into coded form.
NONCODINGnoncoding adj. (Genetics, of a portion of DNA) That does not code for protein.
NONCODING adj. of DNA, not contributing to the code.
UNCODEDuncoded adj. Not coded.
uncoded v. Simple past tense and past participle of uncode.
UNCODED adj. not coded.
UNCODIFIEDuncodified adj. Not codified, not part of the code of law, not stated as part of a systematic statement of principles.
uncodified v. Simple past tense and past participle of uncodify.
UNCODIFIED adj. not codified.
ZINCODEzincode n. (Dated) The positive electrode of an electrolytic cell; the anode.
ZINCODE n. (obsolete) the positive electrode of an electrolytic cell; the anode.
ZINCODESzincodes n. Plural of zincode.
ZINCODE n. (obsolete) the positive electrode of an electrolytic cell; the anode.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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