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There are 16 words containing NCHP

INCHPININCHPIN n. (obsolete) the sweetbread of a deer.
INCHPINSINCHPIN n. (obsolete) the sweetbread of a deer.
LINCHPINlinchpin n. A pin inserted through holes at the end of an axle or shaft, so as to secure a wheel or shaft-mounted device.
linchpin n. (Figuratively) A central cohesive source of stability and security; a person or thing that is critical…
linchpin v. (Transitive, intransitive) To adopt as, or serve as, a central cohesive source of stability and security.
LYNCHPINlynchpin n. Alternative form of linchpin.
lynchpin v. Alternative form of linchpin.
LYNCHPIN n. a locking pin inserted in the end of a shaft, also LINCHPIN.
LAUNCHPADlaunchpad n. Alternative form of launch pad.
launch␣pad n. The surface or structure from which a launch is made.
launch␣pad n. (Figuratively) A starting point.
LINCHPINSlinchpins n. Plural of linchpin.
linchpins v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of linchpin.
LINCHPIN n. a locking pin inserted in the end of a shaft, also LYNCHPIN.
LUNCHPAILlunchpail n. Alternative spelling of lunch pail.
lunch␣pail n. (US) A lunchbox (food container) shaped more or less like a bucket with a handle.
LUNCHPAIL n. a container for lunch.
LYNCHPINSlynchpins n. Plural of lynchpin.
lynchpins v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of lynchpin.
LYNCHPIN n. a locking pin inserted in the end of a shaft, also LINCHPIN.
LAUNCHPADSlaunchpads n. Plural of launchpad.
launch␣pads n. Plural of launch pad.
LAUNCHPAD n. a platform from which a rocket can be launched.
LUNCHPAILSlunchpails n. Plural of lunchpail.
lunch␣pails n. Plural of lunch pail.
LUNCHPAIL n. a container for lunch.
PINCHPENNYpinchpenny n. One who spends little money; one who is very frugal or cautious with money.
PINCHPENNY n. a miserly person.
PINCHPOINTpinchpoint n. Alternative form of pinch point.
pinch␣point n. (Engineering) A point in between moving and stationary parts of a machine where an individual’s body…
pinch␣point n. (Economics) The level of inventories of a commodity or product below which consumers become concerned…
HENCHPERSONhenchperson n. A loyal follower or supporter of an individual or group.
HENCHPERSON n. a henchman or henchwoman.
PINCHPOINTSpinchpoints n. Plural of pinchpoint.
pinch␣points n. Plural of pinch point.
PINCHPOINT n. a constricted or awkward point, esp. in traffic.
HENCHPERSONShenchpersons n. Plural of henchperson.
HENCHPERSON n. a henchman or henchwoman.
PINCHPENNIESpinchpennies n. Plural of pinchpenny.
pinch␣pennies v. To severely economize.
PINCHPENNY n. a miserly person.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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